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Mega-Awesome Costume Party

Many nostalgic thoughts run through our heads when we think about the month of October. The fun decorations, parties or candy (way too much candy), and the chance to dress up as all kinds of different characters from comic books, movies and TV. Some of my favorite costumes I’ve ever had were from my childhood days. I was a frog, […]

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The Great Commission

18 Jesus came and said to them, “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go and make followers of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to do all the things I have told you. And I am with you always, even to […]

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Worshiping on Multiple Platforms

When Covid-19 first hit and Hoboken Grace had to move to a virtual platform, one of the biggest changes came for the Band. Trying to figure out the best way to bring the worship experience online was definitely a challenge. Tony was one of the people in the band and on the production team tasked with helping out with the […]

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If you visit Hoboken Grace long enough, you’ll hear it over and over again: We don’t just live here, we love here. We do everything we can to love Hoboken and make it the best it can be. One of the ways we do that is by taking our words and putting them into action through our biggest service project […]

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Reunited and it Feels So Good!

I think I’ve spent more time outside these past few months than I have in my entire life combined. Alright, that MIGHT be a slight exaggeration, but I have been getting a lot of fresh air due to our current circumstances. Most of my meals have been eaten on sidewalks and the majority of my social interactions have been in […]

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6 Ways to Invite Someone To Dinner Group

More than half of the guys in John’s dinner group didn't join by signing up online, as some people do. They're guys he simply met and invited. “They’ll joke around, like, oh yeah, this guy tried to get me for six months before I finally joined a group,” John says. But even when it’s a joke, there’s also some truth [...]

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Make an impact. Jump in!

If you have attended or listened to any of the services this past month, then you know that Team Link is fast approaching. What is Team Link? I’m glad you asked! Team Link is a chance for anyone looking to get a little more involved at Hoboken Grace and connected to a team that will best use your gifts and […]

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Make an Impact

1Day Hoboken is right around the corner. It is an amazing day when we join together to spread love to different organizations and people all over our city. Then, at the end, we get a chance to celebrate everything amazing that God did in just one day! If you are like me, a few years ago, you might like the […]

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Making a lasting Impression

One of the most meaningful ways that we get to be a part of our community is by serving and caring for our friends and neighbors. When someone walks through the door at Hoboken Grace or attends one of our events, we want them to feel like they are home, and that’s exactly what Annie felt when she first visited […]

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Blockbuster Stories

From a very young age, I was a gigantic film buff. Not a weekend went by where I didn’t see a movie in the theater or rent one with my friends after riding our bikes to the town Blockbuster. Yes, Blockbuster was still around in my youth. (I’m young, but not THAT young!) While I still love the entertainment value […]

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A Day in the Life: Millie’s Story

One of the great ways our church has been able to stay connected and involved with the community during quarantine and social distancing is by posting “A Day in the Life” videos. If you aren’t familiar with this online series, it’s where Pastor Chris interviews somebody in the church family about their current situation during the ongoing pandemic. We thought […]

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Face Time (In Real Life)

Since March, social distancing has forced us to live life over Zoom, FaceTime, email and snail mail (for those of us who are REALLY bored). It hasn’t stopped us from participating in connection events, but the events had to be online. Online connection events are fun and enjoyable, but nothing beats seeing each other face-to-face. On June 28th our community […]

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Putting Things Into Place

The last three months have been one of the longest periods of continuous transitioning I’ve ever experienced in my life. When the pandemic hit, I was forced to work from home, then I experienced the unexpected loss of my father to COVID-19, found myself in a new relationship, and inherited a big, slobbery Saint Bernard named Mia. Everything about my […]

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Take a Day

Have you ever had the feeling that you could be experiencing more of God? It’s this nudge inside of you that suggests there’s more. Sometimes it comes while you are listening to Pastor Chris speak or watching people get baptized or listening to a worship song or sharing with a dinner group friend. Perhaps there is no nudge. There is only unrest. A weekend away [...]

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