Remember the awe of Christmas? Remember when the tree took your breath away? Awe does something in us. It makes us feel alive, and yet it’s something we so often lose over the years. This Christmas Eve allow yourself to once again be filled with awe in a way you may not have expected.
Into a world clamoring for honor, respect, and worship comes a baby. The one who deserved the most honor, respect, and worship comes in the most dishonoring way. The power of Christmas!
What if you could let go of all the things you’re carrying? What if you weren’t actually meant to carry them? What if you could give them to someone else who can carry them? What if the restorative mission of Christmas was actually about making that possible!
As we get older we slowly begin to lose the excitement of Christmas. What if it’s possible to get that back? What if it’s actually important to get that back? What if the very mission of Christmas was all about our ability to once again become a kid?
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