10 Week Group Outline


10 Week Group Outline

After ten years, we’ve learned and heard a thing or two that we think can help you as a leader and help your group, too. This 10 Week Group Guide is designed to partner with you through the first ten weeks of your group until you get confident to set your own plan. Our goal in this is to give you the margin to develop relationships within your group and less on worrying what’s coming next.

WEEK ONE: Connecting

CONNECT WITH STORY CARDS // To get your group to start talking and encourage them to share about their lives and spiritual journeys, Story Cards will draw your group into deeper reflection and more meaningful conversations. Asking the question: Which picture best represents how you think or feel about beginning this group?

WELCOME VIDEO // Pastor Chris High welcomes you to Dinner Groups at Hoboken Grace. He explains what a dinner group is and your host, Sarah Neral, challenges group members to show up, join in and be real.

DINNER GROUP OVERVIEW // What will your group look like? What can your group expect each week? When and how long will you meet?

SHOW UP. JOIN IN. BE REAL // Walk through the Dinner Group Guidelines and discuss as a group what it means to show up, join in and be real.

PRAYER // Pray as a group for your time together and those tat will join over the next 10 weeks.

WEEK TWO: Personal Growth

PERSONAL GROWTH OVERVIEW VIDEO // On Personal Growth Nights, we each share in the next steps in our relationship with God that we are currently taking or hope to take. We celebrate and encourage each other with each step we take.

GAUGES OF 5 PURPOSES // This activity allows your group to pause and reflect on how you’ve experienced the most growth in the 5 purposes. How can you purposefully Worship, Connect, Learn, Serve and Share?

EXPERIENCE PLAN // Share the Experience Plan with your group as an additional too to help their personal growth. The Experience Plan Guidelines will help you navigate how to engage your group with the tool.

WEEK THREE: Connecting & Common Growth

CONNECTING NIGHT VIDEO // In this session we share the many ways your group can connect as you grow in deeper relationship with one another.

PLAN YOUR CONNECTION EVENT // We have all the information you need to plan your connection event – let’s walk through the vision and details of how to do this as a group!

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS OVERVIEW VIDEO // The purpose of weekly questions is to engage your group in an application conversation flowing from Sunday’s Conversation. We can’t simply talk about God’s word, we must put it into action. This video shares how you can utilize this common growth tool in your group.

WEEK FOUR: Communion Night Overview

COMMUNION NIGHT OVERVIEW // Communion means “the act of sharing.” How can your group share in common activities that will encourage each other in your faith? We in this session we help your group discover how they can execute this as a group.

SHARING STORIES //This week your group will share their stories with each other. It will be an opportunity for them to share about themselves as well as the people and circumstances that have been influential in their life.

WEEK FIVE: Common Growth

SHARING STORIES // If you didn’t get a chance to finish sharing stories in your group last week, take some time and allow those group members to share.

TALK IT OVER // Engage in the Discussion Questions from Sunday’s conversation.

WEEK SIX: Personal Growth

EXPERIENCE PLAN CHECK-IN // This week you will follow up with your group members about how their Experience Plan is going. How can you celebrate rhythms that have been started? Anything that needs changing?

RHYTHMS OVERVIEW VIDEO // In this video we talk about how we engage with our community rhythms as a church family.

CONTACTING THE LEADER ABOUT GROUP FUTURE // Our group leaders will be contacted by the Community Core Team to talk about the next steps for their group!

WEEK SEVEN: Communion

DISCUSSING THE GROUP’S FUTURE VIDEO // This week we will share with you how to move forward as a group and how to navigate your next steps.

PRAYER VIDEO // Praying out loud in group can be intimidating. In this session – we help you navigate what it looks like to take next steps in this area as a group.

HOW TO LEAD COMMUNION // There are many ways you can share communion as a group. In this leader video, we give you some tips on how to plan and share this night for your group.


WEEK EIGHT: Connecting

HOST CONNECTION EVENT // This week you will host your Connection Event! Remember, a win is when you are able to connect even one person who is unconnected.

WEEK NINE: Common Growth

TALK IT OVER // Engage in the Discussion Questions from Sunday’s conversation.

WEEK TEN: Celebration

CELEBRATION VIDEO //In this video we share why celebration is a vital part of who we are at Hoboken Grace. Part two of this video will help your group navigate the next steps for the weeks ahead. Celebrate what God has done and look forward to what is to come!

ENCOURAGEMENT NIGHT GUIDELINES // Encouragement night is an evening when we can take time to stop, reflect, and share on how we value and appreciate one another. These guidelines will help you walk through how to lead your group through the night’s discussion.