
Baptism: A Sense Of Renewal

We got to chat with George and Gaia, who both recently took the step of baptism, to hear what their experience was like! Story Team: What was the feeling like after you were baptized? George: I felt wet after being baptized! lol. No seriously though, I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and a sense of renewal. […]

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Mother’s Day 2024

We loved coming together to celebrate all our wonderful moms and mother figures this Sunday at Hoboken Grace! It was really special seeing so many people invite their moms and grandmothers to join them for service and to start off their Sunday with us! We surprised our moms with a special gift, where they got to choose from a bracelet […]

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Stephanie’s Baptism Story

Over the past month, we have gotten to celebrate so many people take the step of baptism, not only on Easter weekend but there have been baptisms every Sunday since Easter which has been incredible to see! We have even seen a handful of people decide on the same day that they want to take that step. It has been […]

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Celebrating Easter 2024

We had such an incredible weekend celebrating our first Easter at our new space with seven services over Easter Weekend! We were able to welcome over 1,800 people into our space over the weekend, including so many people who were here for the first time. One of our biggest celebrations was being able to watch 12 people take the step […]

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Easter Egg Hunt 2024

The rain couldn’t dampen the contagious joy that filled 409 14th St and the viaduct this Saturday. We had 48,000 Easter eggs, 200 volunteers, and over 3,300 people at this year’s Easter Egg Hunt which was our first ever at our new space! It was an incredible day as we were able to love our community in this really special […]

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Update From Our Mission Trip Teams!

This week we have two of our teams out on our Mission Trips! One of our teams headed out to Mexico to work with one of our global partners, Casa Hogar Alegre, an orphanage whose mission is to provide love and care for the children of Chiapas who have been orphaned, abandoned, and abused. Their goal is to provide for […]

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Ash Wednesday Worship Night

What a night! 409 was filled with so much energy as we spent Ash Wednesday in a night of worship and celebration of the One who loves us most! Pastor Chris led us through a short message reminding us that one of the ways God loves to be loved is through praise and song! It was such a powerful and […]

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Amplify Parenting 2024

This past Saturday, we had our first official Amplify Parenting, where we spent the day devoted to parenting here at 409! As people started to trickle in they got their name badges ready, some treats and coffee, and headed upstairs where the band kicked off the day in worship! Pastor Chris spoke and then everyone headed into their breakout sessions! […]

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Looking Back at 2023

2023 has been quite a year! We have seen God move in incredible ways over the last year and have seen lives impacted in countless ways. There were a lot of firsts for our church family this year as we moved into our new home and we have seen God’s faithfulness throughout it all. It was a tremendous year, and […]

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The 2023 Hoboken Grace Christmas Exchange

What an amazing week at our 9th annual Christmas Exchange!! There was so much joy filling 409, from our donors dropping off their gifts to our volunteers to the families eagerly picking up their presents! It is so special being able to come together as a church family to love our community in this way, bringing joy to so many […]

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Grace Kids Christmas Concert 2023

This past Sunday, we kicked off December and the Christmas season with our Grace Kids Christmas Concert! It is one of the cutest Sundays of the year as we see our kids, from toddlers up to fifth grade, up on stage singing Christmas songs they have been working on over the last month! Check out some photos below from this […]

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Baptism Sunday: Sitting Down With Alyssa

This past Sunday, we got to celebrate four people who took the step of baptism!! We got to chat with Alyssa, who got baptized on Sunday to learn more about her experience!   Story Team: What was the feeling like after you were baptized? Alyssa: I felt incredibly loved and comforted by God and everyone in Hoboken Grace!   Story […]

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Worship Night 2023

Friday was an epic moment in the history and life of our church as we celebrated our first Worship Night at 409! It was truly an incredible night as we came together to celebrate God! The band led us in worship as we were encouraged to spend the night with God in whatever way that looked like- whether it was […]

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1Day Hoboken 2023 Recap

This past Saturday, we had our annual 1Day Hoboken 2023! Things looked a little different this year, due to the rain and flooding in Hoboken, but we were still able to come together and impact our city! Check out some of our photos below from this year’s 1Day! Going over projects for the day as we head out around Hoboken! […]

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Grand Opening Recap!

What an incredible Sunday!! It was so special being able to come together and celebrate the official grand opening of our new home at 409 14th Street! It’s truly amazing to think that what started as a prayer of finding a space that we could call home; a place that could impact our city, to it now being a reality! […]

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