
First Impressions, Lasting Connections

Hoboken Grace's First Impressions Team is dedicated to welcoming and loving everyone, both inside and outside 301 Garden St. “Personally, I want the people who come through the door to feel welcome, to feel that we've been waiting for them to join us, and to feel that they belong at Hoboken Grace," says Melissa.

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Guardrails: You Want Me To Do WHAT?

I woke up hung-over. My memory of the night before was blurry. The worst part was that this was nothing new for me. It was a regular part of my life. Feeling guilty and nauseous was almost routine. As I stumbled through my apartment, I came across a Hoboken Grace card and granola bar that someone had handed me at […]

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Hunting for Eggs and Finding a Place to Call Home

Once a year each spring, dozens of bales of hay are hauled into Hoboken and strewn across a playing field. Underneath lie thousands of pastel Easter eggs, ready to be scooped up and cracked open by ecstatic kids. The event — which also includes pictures with the Easter bunny, carnival games, bounce houses and face painting — has grown so big […]

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The Power of a Simple Service

When Tiffany and Adam Croxton moved to Hoboken, they struggled to feel at home in a new place that moved much faster than life in Mississippi. As they tried to settle in, they realized they were both hungry for community and purpose. ”We discussed finding a church family,” says Tiffany. “But we didn’t make the effort to reach out or attend any […]

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The Story of Hoboken Grace

Eight years ago, a dream of planting a church in Hoboken became a reality in a dingy bingo hall. In those early months, only about two dozen people attended regularly. Services were held on Sunday evenings, at first on a monthly basis. There was no kids ministry, just a small play area set up in the hope that children would eventually show up. This is the story […]

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Teams Night: It’s Time

Week in and week out, hundreds of people who call Hoboken Grace home invest their time, talents, and treasures to make Sunday morning happen and keep the conversation and community strong all week long. And every few months, our church family sets aside a Friday evening for a special night of worship, prayer and reflection for the people who serve […]

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It Changes Everything

In working through conflict with people, I find that there is one thing that destroys lives faster than anything else. It’s not surprising. The Scriptures work hard to ensure that we understand the destruction that our words can cause, and yet we continue to experience the devastation because we aren’t in control of our tongues. If you want to improve […]

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When Your Timelines Go Astray

One of the things this season of life is teaching me is how to better empathize with others. I realized recently that many of my single friends are likely experiencing a version of what I am now – this longing for a season of life that has not yet happened. Maybe, like me, you face daily reminders that you are not where […]

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Guardrails – Beginning February 14th

[Guardrails: a system designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas.] They’re everywhere, but they don’t really get much attention . . . until somebody hits one. And then, more often than not, it is a lifesaver. Ever wonder what it would be like to have guardrails in other areas of your life—areas where culture baits you […]

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Living a Meaningful Story

Growing up, I lived vicariously through books and movies, dreaming of a life with unforgettable scenes, memorable characters and life-changing conversations. And while Hogwarts and Middle Earth may have been out of reach, it still seemed possible that life could unfold in magical ways. Take the movie Garden State, for example. There’s a scene where Zach Braff’s character looks into […]

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The Most Important Lessons We Learned From FPU

Financial Peace University returns to Hoboken Grace on February 6th. This nine-week course by financial guru Dave Ramsey has helped thousands of people take control of their finances and become debt-free. Registration for both spring classes is full, but the course will be offered again in the fall. For many, the class has been transformative. In fact, many of Hoboken Grace’s […]

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Loving or Carrying

What do you do when loving the people in your life becomes unmanageable?  We’ve all experienced it to some degree. There comes a point when loving well becomes overwhelming. It’s not that you don’t want to care, it’s not that you aren’t trying to do all you can. It’s simply the reality that in doing all you can, you’re driving […]

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Sing Into Spring: Why You Should Join the Choir

The Spring Choir is looking for new voices and would love to see you at the choir info meeting this Sunday, January 17th. Everyone is invited to attend, regardless of experience level or musical background. The only requirement is that “you enjoy singing and worshiping God through music,” says Hannah Fain, the choir leader.

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The Most Powerful Words You Can Speak

Two years ago, Hoboken Grace sent a team to Gulu, Uganda, for a Restore International Vision Trip. Their tour of northern Uganda took them to Restore Leadership Academy, where they held a graduation ceremony with Bob Goff, the group’s founder. They danced, watched balloons sail high into the air, and shared words of love and encouragement. It’s a memory — and a lesson — that has […]

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2016 in a Word

New Year’s resolutions. They go in one year and out the other. Do more. Do less. Do better. Be better. Start. Stop. Yada, yada. Live, laugh, love. Blah, blah, blah. Another epic fail. Even if we check them off we’re incomplete. To reminisce about some personal failures, this sums up my do’s and don’ts of New Years past: Start hitting […]

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