
2022: A Year Of Celebration And Impact

To check out the full 2022 Impact Report, click here. Together, we were able to love and serve our community in so many impactful ways in 2022. We have also seen God powerfully answer our prayers this year. Whether it was through people taking the step of baptism, using our family to help people find their way back to God, […]

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Maximize Your Christmas Conversations: 3 Techniques for Having Deeper, More Engaging Interactions

Christmas is a time for joy, celebration, and connecting with those we love and those we are related to. Whether you’re catching up with old friends, chatting around the dinner table with your extended family, or making small talk with strangers, the season is full of opportunities for conversation. But sometimes, these interactions can feel superficial or unfulfilling. If you […]

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Valuing the Reset

Over the past twenty years in church planting I’ve experienced so many seasons; seasons of life, seasons of ministry, seasons of marriage, seasons of parenthood, and more I can’t even remember. It would be nice if they were neatly defined and packaged, but they aren’t. They’re very much like the seasons of the year. You know generally when they’re coming, […]

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Finding Hope In Every Christmas

Talk about an awkward family Christmas, this was it. The worst Christmas ever. I truly believed my family was beyond hope. I was shocked, embarrassed and so unbelievably sad that this was how we would spend our Christmas. How could this happen ON CHRISTMAS EVE? This couldn’t really be my family. This couldn’t really be happening. That Christmas Eve, my […]

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The 2022 Grace Kids Christmas Concert!

When thinking of the Christmas season at Hoboken Grace, one special tradition that we look forward to all year is our Grace Kids Christmas concert! It is one of the cutest Sundays of the year, as the stage fills with those who are a part of our Grace Kids program, from two years old up to our fifth graders! After […]

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True Life!

This past Sunday, we started a 2-week conversation called Finish Strong. Pastor Chris introduced us to ways to really take a hold of the Christmas season and how to give well. We talked about how it’s not only better to give than to receive, but that it’s more than that. In fact, scripture tells us that generosity is where true life […]

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Celebrating In The Unexpected

Two Sundays ago, things looked a little different, as just one minute into our first service of the day, we were all caught by surprise when the fire alarm went off! This can be a normal occurrence during off-hours for testing, as it’s been an ongoing issue with the building, but were surprised when they decided to go off during […]

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Working at Hoboken Grace

We chatted with some of our staff about what it’s like working for Hoboken Grace. It takes all sorts of people with different talents and strengths to make what we do possible! From production to graphic design to operations (and much more), there are a lot of working parts! We are so grateful for everyone on our teams who each […]

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Good Gifts!

This fall at Hoboken Grace, we have been working through a conversation about how God delights in us and that we can delight in Him. If I am honest, I hadn’t really thought about this idea even though I now see so many passages in scripture pointing clearly to this idea.  Psalm 37:4 (NIV) – “Take delight in the Lord […]

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Staff Picks: Enjoying God In New Ways

As we are moving through our ‘Enjoying God’ conversation, Pastor Chris has been challenging us to see God in new ways. We are being reminded or learning for the first time that God delights in us and that He wants us to enjoy Him too!! We asked some of our staff how their relationship with God or view of Him […]

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Rain Turns 1Day Into 2Days!

This year was our 12th annual 1Day Hoboken, where we take one day to bring together as many people as we can to accomplish as much as we can for our city! 1Day may have looked a little different this year due to the weather, but that didn’t stop us from loving our community in the best way we could. Our […]

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Finding A Church At The Right Time

I grew up in the suburbs of southeast Pennsylvania in West Chester about 40 minutes from Philadelphia. As a result, I never experienced living in a city before coming to Hoboken to attend Stevens Institute of Technology, nor did I experience how my faith would adapt to these circumstances. It was not the balancing of academics or the homesickness of […]

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Stepping Out This Fall

As we head into a new season, it is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and dive into something new! We have so many opportunities for you to step out this fall and get plugged into community! From fun connection events, to making an impact in our city, to meeting new people, we have plenty of […]

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Staff Picks: Our Summer Reads

We talked to some of our staff to find out what they are reading this summer! They shared with us why they’re reading it, what they’re learning, or what they’ve been enjoying about it! Emma S.  “I’m reading Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard and it’s actually my second time reading it because I enjoyed it so much […]

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