
5 Reasons We Think Dinner Groups are Worth It

We know it can be a little scary to join a group for the first time, and we know how easy it is to find an excuse to miss out on this, but there’s too much to gain! Check out 5 reasons why you don’t want the excuses or the fear to win out on this one. 1. We meet where you are. Our groups are all meeting online.

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Making Room For Others

At Hoboken Grace, we truly believe we are better together. This is why we strongly encourage the people in our community to get involved, serve on a team, and grow together in a weekly dinner group. Hoboken has always been a transient community with an influx of people arriving. People move to this region from all over the world for […]

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Update From Our Team In Guatemala

Our team has been in Guatemala this week serving with one of our global partners, Potter’s House. Potter’s House is an organization we partner with, that seeks to empower those living in poverty around Guatemala. 65% of people there live in poverty – not just economic, but physical, spiritual, and mental. For 34 years Potter’s House has been walking alongside […]

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Child Dedication 2023

This Sunday, for our last service at 301 Garden Street, we got to celebrate Child Dedication! Child Dedication happens one Sunday a year, where we gather together as a church as families dedicate their children to make the commitment to raise their little ones under God’s lead! It is important for us to partner with our families from the very […]

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Looking Back At Our Time At 301 Garden St

This past Sunday will always hold a special place in our hearts as we celebrated our last service at 301 Garden Street. It was a day filled with a mixture of emotions as we’ve been in 301 Garden since 2010! Over these last 13 years, we’ve seen God move in so many ways. This space was an incredible gift as […]

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Book Recommendations For Your Child

This Sunday, over 30 children will be dedicated as part of our annual Child Dedication service. This is a special series of services where parents get to publicly present their child to God and to our church family. The purpose of a Child Dedication service is to commit the child to God and seek the support and encouragement of Hoboken […]

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Graduation Sunday: Leaving the Old, Entering the New

Summer has always been synonymous with graduation for me. The beating hot sun, the locally famous commencement speakers, yearbook signings. Oh, and those huge signs parents put out in their front lawn that say “congratulations Luke and the class of 2022!” It seems that even when you don’t personally have a family member or close friend moving into the next […]

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Father’s Day Book Recommendations

Father’s Day is this Sunday and if you happen to have a father in your life who, like myself, loves to learn about becoming the best dad they can be I have four book recommendations that helped me grow. The Expectant Father Let’s start with a book for those who are about to become a father. I’ve read a few […]

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Leadership Weekend 2023

There are many reasons our church operates at the level that it does week after week. The warm and inviting greeters, the energetic and patient Grace Kids team, the tech-savvy sound booth, all serving together to make the Sunday experience the best it can possibly be. Behind all these great teams, are strong leaders working behind the scenes. Our tradition […]

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Just Friends

If you haven’t seen the movie, “Just Friends” it’s about a guy who grew up immediately placed in the friend zone by a girl that he was in love with or thought he was in love with (as much as you can be at 16). That’s only part of the movie but it’s the part that sticks out to me […]

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Mother’s Day At Hoboken Grace

It was an extra special Sunday here at Hoboken Grace, as we celebrated all of our wonderful mothers and mother figures and all they do for us! It was great seeing so many families together as well as people inviting their moms and grandmothers to join them for church on Sunday! As soon as you stepped into 301 Garden, we […]

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Elevate Your Date Night: Strategies for Deepening Your Connection

Dating is one of the best parts of a relationship – it’s how we keep things fresh and exciting. But once couples get married and the years go on, often dating your spouse can become more challenging as you experience big changes, milestones, or bring kids into the picture. Setting aside intentional time together becomes even more important. My wife […]

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Baptism: Answering God’s Call

It is always an extra special Sunday when we get to see someone take the step of Baptism and celebrate them together as a church family. It is such a powerful moment as we come together and see someone take this momentous step in their faith. The Story Team recently sat down with Nick to learn a little bit more […]

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Finding Rest

I am busy. When Monday rolls around I get up, get my child off to school just in time to head into the office, and begin a marathon of Monday meetings. Once that clock hits five o’clock, my wife and I jump to pick our daughter up from the babysitter just to have my wife head into her leader call […]

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