
So Fitting

By 1 p.m. last Sunday, craft time was over in Grace Kids. The Play-Doh, crayons and construction paper had been packed up. But in an apartment just a few blocks away, craft time was just beginning for the Little Steps teachers. They spent hours measuring, tracing, snipping and gluing costumes for the Grace Kids Costume Party. This year, they're going as Goldfish ― as in the snack.

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Why You Won’t Want to Miss Amplify

For our sixth Amplify conference, we’re bringing back all your favorite parts! This fall marks the return of the popular Marriage class, as well as some of your favorite book studies. Child care is once again available, and the worship band will be in full force. We even extended lunch! (Yes, Chick-fil-A is back, too.) Here are the top five reasons you’ll want to spend Saturday, Oct. 22 at 301 Garden.

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Starting This Sunday

Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt intimidated? Have you ever wondered, “Where do I start?” Have you ever felt you had no idea how to understand what you just read? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be like that. For the next four weeks we’re going to continue reading through the book of Acts together.

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Something Changed on Stage

Something happened to Stephanie when she stepped on stage Easter morning. After eight years at Hoboken Grace, she stood under the stage lights for the first time and looked out across a room packed with people responding to God’s love. “It’s different from up there,” she said. “You see Sunday morning differently. It’s powerful to be part of the congregation worshiping, but it’s also powerful to be up there and see a room of 500 people with their hands lifted, praising God together.”

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Fighting Hunger with Community

If you visit ShopRite to buy groceries, chances are you've seen Hoboken Grace there at some point accepting donations for In Jesus Name Charities. Through blistering summers and chilly winters, a team from Hoboken Grace helps keep In Jesus Name stocked by asking shoppers to donate items for local families in need. It's just one of the ways the church tries to support one of Hoboken's oldest charities.

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Finding Peace in God’s Promises

As we prayed last week as individuals, as a family, as a community, we prayed for those who have been impacted by the train accident at Hoboken Terminal. We prayed for the 34-year-old mother who died in the crash and the husband, toddler and family she left behind. We prayed for more than 100 neighbors who were injured. We prayed […]

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Amplify: Rock Your Purpose

Are you looking to serve, but unsure where you fit best? Or maybe you've been serving the community for years but feel a slight disconnect. Amplify's Empower class will help you discover, develop and apply your gifts to impact the world around you. “God made us to serve,” says Kara, who took the class in the spring. “God made us with specific gifts, and when you match up that gift with opportunities to serve your community, you’re happy, you’re enjoying yourself.”

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1Day, Countless Ways You Made a Difference

We'll never know exactly how many people were impacted by 1Day Hoboken, but you can see the difference you made in our city. The parks, waterfront and schools are cleaner. There's a new library at HOLA, and cleared-out space at Hoboken High School. You can see the progress being made at Holy Innocents on Willow. And across the city, organizations such as The Hoboken Shelter and In Jesus' Name Charities are now stocked with the 10,000 meals you helped package.

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The 11th Street Garden

The community garden on 11th Street in Hoboken has enriched my life. My last local address had a private backyard I could reach by climbing out my kitchen window and down the fire escape. But my days of balancing a tray of perennials in one hand while blindly stepping down a metal ladder are over. When I moved into my new place, there was no backyard. I was soon missing my little plot, and one night prayed against all hope, “God, please give me a garden.”

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There’s a Place for Everyone

Kristen and Eric's roles have evolved since their first few Sunday mornings on the First Impressions Team. The hours, responsibilities and even location have changed. But now more than ever, their job is to help people find community ㅡ just as they did when they moved to Hoboken.

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Serving More Than Dinner

As they sat down to discuss Sunday’s message at dinner group week after week, Dan and Victor started to feel an itch. They wanted to do more than dream about loving their neighbors and impacting their city. They wanted to get off the couch and into the streets.

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Two More Days!

It’s one day, one square mile and one goal: to make the biggest possible impact in our city. 1Day Hoboken is this Saturday, and we need YOU! Are you pre-registered? Have you invited your friends? Volunteers will be working in virtually every corner of the city, lending a hand at Hoboken High School, True Mentors, the Hoboken Shelter and more. Here's a sneak peak of some of the projects.

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PORTRAITS: Love for the Days in Between

“I couldn’t understand," says Luisa. "How could God do this to me? How could He do this to my kids? Was it punishment? What did I do? How could He take Neil away? We had just had a baby.” People told Luisa to cling to her faith after her husband died, but that just made her angrier. She wanted nothing to do with God. If God cared about her heart He wouldn’t have broken it, she thought. She went from desperate anger to having nothing to say to Him.

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1Day, 30 Projects, Unlimited Potential

Just two weeks after moving to Hoboken last year, Courtney signed up for 1Day, a community service event that takes place across the city. She was eager to learn more about Hoboken Grace and meet new people. "What better way to get your feet into church and then go and serve the community?" she said. "I just kind of showed up and didn't know what to expect, but thought that it would be a great opportunity to get to know people.”

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