
You Only Have To Be Interested

If you are anything like Xiaochan, you've seen a video story that was shared on Sunday morning. In her case, she watched as someone on the Grace Kids team shared how they could use helpers. While she initially had hesitations, that all changed when she heard the volunteer say that you don’t have to be interesting, but rather, you have to be interested. [...]

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Hayden’s House of Healing

In November 2011 my husband Rob and I found out that our second baby was diagnosed in utero with a significant heart defect (HLHS). I was scared out of my mind at the unknown of all of this, but found a way to build a community of supporters around the idea that praying for Hayden would keep him safe. In August of 2012, Hayden passed away [...]

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Supporting A Caregiver

Some of our group members may be the primary or assistant caregiver of an aging parent or loved one. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our group members who are dealing with the stress of being a caregiver? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS – Understanding the Stress of Caregiving One of the most universally challenging roles a person can assume is that of […]

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Supporting Others In a New Job

Sometimes the first few weeks of a new job or new career can be exciting, as well as difficult and challenging. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our friends, coworkers, and group members who are dealing with the stress of starting a new job? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS – Understanding the Elements of Stress in a New Job Starting a new job […]

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Do Babies Come With Manuals?

NINE the perfect class for those currently expecting. NINE was built to mentally prepare and give practical information to those soon-to-be parents, but most importantly, teach the role of discipleship through God and His teachings. "Learning the Biblical principles that support practical parenting decisions has allowed us to confidently establish our [...]

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Lectio Divina with Your Dinner Group

PURPOSE Lectio Divina means “divine reading.” It is a way of listening to the text of scripture more as a conversation with Jesus where he is suggesting the topic of conversation. It could be explained as “bible basking” rather than “bible study” where we meditate on scripture, converse with God openly, and live [...]

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Supporting Others Through Sickness

Sickness and chronic pain can add significant emotional and physical stressors on an individual that most likely impact their quality of life; however, these stressors often get missed during brief interactions or go unnoticed. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our friends and group members who are [...]

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Supporting a Group Member Who is Moving

Whether it’s a first-time move or a series of moves, moving to a new home and a new area can be a stressful event in our lives. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our group members who are moving to or from our community? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS – Understanding the Stress of Moving Moving and buying a new home is not […]

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Take a Day

Have you ever had the feeling that you could be experiencing more of God? It’s this nudge inside of you that suggests there’s more. Sometimes it comes while you are listening to Pastor Chris speak or watching people get baptized or listening to a worship song or sharing with a dinner group friend. Perhaps there is no nudge. There is only unrest. A weekend away [...]

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Jesus walked out of that tomb for YOU. Sometimes we get lost in everything that surrounds us and the holiday, and forget that Jesus defeating death is an extremely personal thing. He knew you’d be here, reading this, and He wants you to know He’s on a crazy rescue mission to save you from spiritual death. The myth that many of us believed [...]

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Spiritual Mapping (GPS) Exercise

PURPOSE Lectio Divina means “divine reading.” It is a way of listening to the text of scripture more as a conversation with Jesus where he is suggesting the topic of conversation. It could be explained as “bible basking” rather than “bible study” where we meditate on scripture, converse with God openly, and live [...]

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Through A Bunny’s Eyes

I saw love from every single person who put attention to detail into where those bunnies were going to sit, the backdrop behind them and the photographers taking those free family photos. And then there was the feeling I experienced as those kids sat beside me, eager to pose with Cottontail. I initially wanted to be a bunny because [...]

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Bringing In The Muscle

Anthony, Head Assistant Wrestling Coach at Stevens, understands that this isn’t about just one group of people loving others – it’s a community coming together to love their community. “Every event is a great community event for my athletes…for them to serve and become better people.” Some of his athletes have never [...]

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Supporting Others Through Imprisonment

Sometimes we have friends, coworkers or group members who are convicted of a crime or have loved ones serving time in jail. So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our friends, coworkers, and group members who are dealing with a jail sentence or the incarceration of someone they love? C.A.R.E.S. CRISIS – Understanding the Stress of Imprisonment Incarceration of a loved […]

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