
Untapped Resources

Questions We Don’t Ask at Church React or Angular? Is G Suite ready for enterprise? RAID10 with spinning disks or RAID5 with SSDs? Stay technical or get into management? What’s interviewing at Amazon like? How much should I negotiate the offer? I spent most of my career in the technology industry, and those are some of the many questions that […]

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We’re Your Biggest Supporters!

Once a year we dedicate one Sunday to a very special celebration. And this past Sunday we had over 1,200 people join us to be a part of 31 children being dedicated! It was such a special day, and we are so grateful for all of the families and their little ones. We believe that what happens at home is more important than what happens in church […]

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Meet Our Partners!

Have you ever sat in service and heard us talk about an organization that we support and wondered what they do and who they are? Well, we thought we should take a moment to introduce you to these organizations … meet our Global and Local Partners! Local Partners Our local partners serve children, elderly, people in need and immigrants. We […]

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The Power of Serving

639 Volunteers. 33 Projects. 1 City. Every year, the Hoboken community comes together to take part in 1Day. It’s a day when volunteers from all different walks of life reach out their hands, and their hearts, to enhance the community and serve those who live here. The moment the volunteers began to pour into the gym for registration Saturday morning, […]

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Sharing Dinner Around the World

When we launched our dinner groups this fall, we started hearing some incredible stories about lives being changed and community being formed. But one of the stories we never expected to see coming walking into this was that dinner groups started to take place around the world!   We currently have a group running at Ohio State University, a family group […]

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Family or Community? Do Both!

Choosing whether to have a family or be a part of a community doesn’t have to be an either-or-choice. I must admit, for the first 10 years of living in Hoboken, I never understood why it was so difficult to make plans with a parent. But that all immediately changed when I finally became a parent almost two years ago. Parents, we want and need you in Dinner Group with us!

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10 Week Group Outline

10 Week Group Outline After ten years, we’ve learned and heard a thing or two that we think can help you as a leader and help your group, too. This 10 Week Group Guide is designed to partner with you through the first ten weeks of your group until you get confident to set your own plan.  Our goal in […]

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Why Three?

Each Sunday we welcome close to 200 kids into Grace Kids! I get so excited when I see all of their faces each week. We are so honored to be able to teach them each week about how much Jesus loves them and who HE says they are. Every Sunday we (the team and myself) pray and celebrate all of the steps we have seen them take […]

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A Retreat for Mind, Body, and Soul

When Deb and Roger Andruss joined one of the largest mission organizations in the world a decade ago, transitioning from church ministry to providing pastoral care on a global level, they noticed something amiss: Countless missionaries and church staff they met were abandoning their calling due to feelings of burnout and disillusionment.

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Lasting Impact

“I want to make an impact” is a phrase that I have heard from a lot of people when talking about what they want out of their career or their life. I think, deep down, that’s what we all want. We want to leave our mark, a positive impact on our world. Wanting to make an impact is an awesome and noble aspiration. And yet actually achieving it [...]

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A Heart for Serving

When we walk into church on Sunday morning, we’re greeted with smiling faces, delicious coffee and donuts, a beautiful space, a great sound system and a very talented band; all of which is put together by people who have hearts for serving. Hoboken Grace’s mission is to help people find their way back to God. Our mission wouldn’t be possible […]

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Towards the end of last year, I put together a life plan. I had done one before on a smaller scale, but this one was put together with a trained facilitator and over the course of two days, mapping out what I’d like to accomplish and how to get there. It really helped me to gain some incredible insight into my life —where I was going, where God had taken me.

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Show Up. Join In. Be Real.

Dinner Groups have started to meet and hope you’ve found a group to join! These groups exist to create community and provide a safe environment where people have the opportunity to pursue healthy relationships and spiritual growth. In the weeks come, here are three simple ways you can get the most out of your group.

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It’s Not That Simple

Comments can impacted the way we approach complicated conversations. Conversations about difficult questions are crucial. We need to learn how to have those conversations. We can’t just avoid them because they’re complicated, but as my friend stated, it needs to be given time. Which means there are a few practices we need to adopt as we engage.

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Does Online Church Make An Impact?

Kenny, a single father living in Hoboken, told himself that he should probably go to church on Easter Sunday, something he used to do with his parents as a kid. Instead, he decided to watch Hoboken Grace’s service live, on the church’s website. Kenny was deeply moved by the love of God that he once knew.

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