
Christian Meditation?

I was chatting with a friend recently and apparently threw her for a loop when I brought up Christian meditation. “I thought meditation was that new age hippie stuff that The Beatles stole from India and made it all trendy,” she said. “What do you mean Christian mediation?” After we had a good chuckle, I told her she was right: meditation has [...]

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The Best Nine Weeks We’ve Ever Spent

With Financial Peace University classes in full swing, the Writing Team interviewed Tiffany and Ryan about their own FPU experience. While the couple says they were at first hesitant about the course, it turned out to be one of the best things they ever did. Why did you decide to sign up for FPU? We were asked as dinner group […]

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The Lasting Effect of 1Day

We spend a lot of time talking about 1Day, a day when we come together to complete as many projects as possible around town. It’s true that we serve for only a few hours, but the results last much longer. I had the privilege of leading TRUE Mentors a few years ago when 1Day volunteers helped with a project. A group of smiling people moved [...]

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I Don’t Want To Fight About Money

There are few things I don’t like talking about, but money is definitely one of them. Whether it’s how to split a dinner bill, people asking if I started a 401(k), or even the mention of extravagant travels…it all makes me cringe. I don’t know how to handle it. Or, at least, I didn’t. I grew up in a loving household, but any talk about money always [...]

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The Best Thing We Ever Did

Nate and Alyssa were unsure what they’d take away from Financial Peace University — if anything. A civil engineer by trade, Nate is a numbers guy who for years meticulously updated a financial spreadsheet. Alyssa, meanwhile, had studied financial planning and previously worked in wealth management. The couple also doubted they could do more [...]

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A Community Impact

In this ever-growing, ever-changing city, an annual event has taken root. For the past seven years, hundreds of people have come together in the name of community and love for a citywide day of service. Last year, local parks, businesses, schools and nonprofit organizations all felt the love as 400 volunteers banded together to create [...]

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Finding Financial Freedom

After Dan and Rebecca made a plan to pay off $110,000 in debt, God placed it on their hearts to open their home to Chloe, a student they’d met on a mission trip to North Korea. Providing a bed, meals and everything else she’d need over 10 months was definitely not in the budget. “I was really freaking out,” said Rebecca. “And this is where Dan was like [...]

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A Summer to Celebrate

At Hoboken Grace, we kicked off the summer with a series to do just that. "Celebrating Summer" asked what it would look like if this summer could be your best summer yet. With Labor Day marking summer's (unofficial) end earlier this week, we thought it was time we looked back at the summer we had at Hoboken Grace and reflect on [...]

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5 Reasons Why A Dinner Group Is Worth Joining

In the next two weeks we have 88 dinner groups starting throughout our community. We know it can be a little scary to join a group for the first time, and we know how easy it is to find an excuse to miss out on this, but there’s too much to gain! Check out 5 reasons why you don’t want the excuses or [...]

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When “Good Enough” Wasn’t Good Enough

At work I do a lot of budgets, spreadsheets, reviewing the past to help make better decisions as we move forward, so the last thing I wanted to do was come home and do more of the same. I underestimated how much it meant to my wife Erika. While I was comfortable with my “good enough” budget that existed in my head, in reality, [...]

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The Art of Hustle

A couple months ago I was in a season of pure, unrelenting hustle. We were a few weeks out from Easter and we were in the middle of a massive undertaking – a brand-new set for the stage. After a few set-backs (pun intended), we were finally moving along, working to reach our goal of unveiling it by the Good Friday services. Every night during the weeks [...]

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She Said Yes!

Last Sunday, before services began, the dozens of people serving that morning gathered for a 9 a.m. Team Huddle. The gathering started out as it usually does, with teams sharing celebrations from the past week. And then Anthony called Stephanie to the stage, announcing he was going to do something "a little bit different." That set in motion a proposal from [...]

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Prayer ― Your Direct Line to God

I remember when I was working full time in the performing arts, I got the name and cell phone number of a pretty famous person. I thought it was awesome just to have it in my phone. We were working on a project together, we became friends and, as friends do, we exchanged numbers. After the project finished, we stayed in touch briefly and about a year [...]

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Five Things We Learned From FPU

This fall, 1,000 people will be taking the journey through Financial Peace University at Hoboken Grace. The nine-week course has already helped countless people take charge of their finances and live a life of financial freedom. So what are some of the most important lessons from FPU? We asked five people that very question. Here's what they had to say. [...]

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