
You Had ONE JOB!

We’ve all had those moments. When we’re working, serving, helping a friend, planning an event or just trying to do life and we just drop the ball. Something goes wrong, we forget an important detail, we miss a deadline or, for whatever reason, we just screw it up. And if feels like you let the whole world down. I’ve had […]

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Join the Global Movement!

Hoboken Grace is excited to announce that this year we are taking part in Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that is observed on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, right after the well-known shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The initiative was started four years ago by 92nd Street Y, a cultural center in New York […]

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Christmas @ Hoboken Grace

Come together to celebrate the Christmas season! Although the holidays usually mean scrambling to finish gift shopping, traveling, and planning family dinners, we want to encourage you to escape the holiday sprint, and join us as we reflect on the incredible ways in which God has pursued each one of us this year. On December 13, Hoboken Grace will be holding […]

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Prayer Opportunities

As we come out of our two-week conversation on prayer, I want to let you know about two really exciting steps we’re taking to engage prayer better as a family. Sunday Morning Prayer: A huge priority for us is to not only be praying as individuals, but also to be praying together. Every Sunday morning we’re creating a space for […]

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Coming Sunday: Drained

Why is everything so amazing and no one is happy? How can you live in the richest country in the world, at the most advanced time in the world, with resources that people would die for at your disposal, and still go to bed frustrated with your life? Join us this fall for a conversation that may change the way […]

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The Hoboken Christmas Exchange

Last Christmas Eve, Kara loaded a U-Haul with her husband and in-laws and distributed gifts to families at the Hoboken Housing Authority. She remembers their smiles, their tears and their disbelief that a stranger would buy them a gift.

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Daylight Saving Time Ends

You know that once you step out the door, peace and quiet are a distant memory. So why not use the extra morning light to carve out time for prayer or time with God? It may be just what you need before morning rush hour.

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TEAMS: Behind the Scenes at Teams Night

TEAMS is a monthly series that celebrates the talent and impact of various groups at Hoboken Grace. On a Sunday morning in mid-July, Monica stood at an easel during a special all-worship service at Hoboken Grace. With each song the band played, she layered colors and shapes on her canvas. “I didn’t really plan what I was going to paint,” she […]

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How I Almost Missed My Miracle

My name is Anna, and this is my story. One Sunday, Pastor Chris unexpectedly announced a mission trip to Uganda with three weeks’ notice. It immediately sparked my interest, but like most other times when I’ve heard that still small voice, I procrastinated. It wasn’t until a friend asked me point-blank if I was going to Uganda that I realized this […]

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Hear Anthony’s Story This Saturday At Amplify

Anthony came to know Christ one night in a hotel room while watching an old Billy Graham message on television. No, this story doesn’t include any special lighting or a dramatic setting, but that’s not what it’s about. “I share it because I know that not everyone’s story of how they came to Christ is dramatic or full of spark, […]

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Have you ever felt like you’re just talking to a wall? Have you ever felt like it really didn’t matter if you prayed or not? You’re not alone. Join us for a two-week conversation, beginning next Sunday, on one of the most important and misunderstood aspects of following Christ.

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Calling All Sleuths

This Saturday, October 17 marks True Mentors’ fourth annual Hoboken Scavenger Hunt, a fun and frantic event that invites local residents to scour the four corners of Hoboken in a test of physical and mental determination. Teams will have just two hours to solve clues that will send them scrambling across Hoboken to hunt down challenges and win prizes. The Hoboken […]

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TEAMS: Crafting Fun with the Little Steps Teachers

Teams is a monthly series that celebrates the talent and impact of various groups at Hoboken Grace. Peer into the Little Steps classroom on any Sunday morning and you’ll find toddlers molding Play-Doh into pyramids, tracing handprints and coloring scenes from the Bible. Patient teachers kneel alongside them, teaching them about Jesus, praising their work, sharing stickers and catching runaway […]

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What’s Your Next Step?

At Hoboken Grace, we recognize that faith is about a journey, not a destination. Regardless of where you’re headed, journeys require constant movement — putting one foot in front of the other. They involve a charge forward toward the next mile marker, then the mile marker after that. Journeying with God requires constant advancement, too. And now it’s easier than […]

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