
“THURSDAY?!” Why We’re Moving Teams Night

There may be some of you who are anxiously awaiting the date of the next Teams Night, but I would guess that on the whole most of you are on the fence about whether to attend and evaluating your other Friday night options. Allow me to blow that all up for you with this announcement: The next Teams Night will be held on THURSDAY, June 9th at 8 p.m. at 301 Garden Street. Before you drop your coffee and toss your phone, here’s why we’re moving Teams Night to a Thursday.

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Faith as a First-Generation Christian

For many people, the church and family compartments of life are one and the same. We are often brought up in our parents' religion, and the spheres don't conflict. But for many others, church and family do not go hand in hand. Sometimes it is something we have to find and pursue on our own. And when the newly discovered church compartment collides with the old family compartment, you never know what’s going to happen.

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New Beginnings

A team from Hoboken Grace visited South Korea this month to work with LiNK, an organization that helps settle North Korean refugees. Though they faced language and cultural barriers, the team says God used their own stories to help them connect with the refugees in ways that transcended translation. “I had to move (to New York) for my own safety," says Micah, one of four people on the trip. "So there were a lot of parallels for me between the people we met and my own circumstances.”

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PORTRAITS: Making Room

Shivering in Harvard Yard might not be everyone’s dream, but it was Chloe’s. And just a few years ago that dream of visiting an iconic Ivy League school seemed completely out of reach. That’s because Chloe was born in North Korea, a country that labels those who leave as defectors and imposes harsh punishments on any family members who stay behind.

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Breathing Room

This May, Hoboken Grace introduces parents to Breathing Room: a quarterly invitation to slow down, enjoy a (child-free!!) night out and connect with other parents. We all knew it wouldn’t be easy trying to grow little people into [well-functioning] human beings, but did it really have to be this hard? Between sleepless nights and public toddler meltdowns, it can be […]

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When you live life at a breakneck pace, one of the first things to be pushed aside is our conversation with God. Without even noticing it we give up the source of love, joy and peace, leaving us to run harder and faster. What would it look like to develop healthy rhythms in our relationship with God? What if prayer […]

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Killing Idols

Week after week, I sit with people who know what their idols are, but seem incapable of eliminating them. I know I worship relationships, but I don’t know how to get rid of that. I know I care too much about how I’m perceived, but how do I stop myself from being crushed when I look like a fool? I […]

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We’re Taking It to the Next Level

Have you registered for Amplify yet? We’re kicking things up a notch at our fifth one-day conference. We’ve turned up the volume (three worship bands will serve as one), added more growth opportunities (like the new Parenting course), and planned a day that will leave you feeling both energized and recharged. (And have we mentioned that Chick-fil-A is bringing lunch?) […]

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You Want ME to Lead?

Noelle joined a dinner group her first Sunday at Hoboken Grace, but she was shocked when, just a few months later, she was asked to lead a group herself. “I immediately said no,” she recalls. “It was something I had no interest in doing. I had my group, and I was happy. At the time, I thought that I had […]

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Three Days, Limitless Growth

Twenty-five members of our church family attended the Axiom retreat this weekend, engaging with God in silence and solitude and with each other through prayer and group discussions. The international program, held this weekend at St. Mary’s Abbey Retreat Center in Morristown, is designed to help participants gain intimacy in their conversations with God. For some, that meant wrestling through […]

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Running the Race Marked Out for Us

When it comes to journeying with God, have you ever felt like you’ve been running on autopilot? Oftentimes, we make the commitment to follow Christ and then expect it to be a light and easy downhill jog from there. We assume God will move mountains instead of asking us to scale them. We spend all our energy dashing off to […]

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Three Takeaways From This Semester of FPU

Hoboken Grace graduated its largest-ever Financial Peace University class this month, with participants leaving credit cards and thousands of dollars in debt in the dust. With a growing number of instructors, the Financial Peace Team for the first time held two weekly classes this spring, while also introducing a small-group format. As a result, more people than ever have found […]

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How to Raise Support for Your Mission Trip

Throughout the year, Hoboken Grace offers mission trips designed to encourage us to step outside of our comfort zones, challenge our assumptions and transform our perspectives. Mission trips are one of the best ways to live out God’s word, allowing Him to work through us to serve others and love boldly. But many of us are afraid to take this leap […]

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A New Life in New York

A year and a half ago, Jessica’s life took an unexpected turn. It was a change in direction that would eventually lead to her standing on stage and getting baptized on Easter morning. But Jessica didn’t know that back then. All she knew at the time was that she had 60 days to find a new job. “I was given […]

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Taking the Next Step

The first time I attended Hoboken Grace, I was terrified. I dragged my friend along for moral support, but I was still anxious. Was I going to fit in? Would there be anyone there like me? Looking back, I laugh at how nervous I was, because from the moment I walked into 301 Garden I was made to feel right at home. […]

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