
A Local School Relationship

It’s amazing to watch our dinner group members support one another, but also to see groups that work together to support the community. That’s what happened last Monday, when a dozen volunteers helped dismantle old chalkboards at the local Mustard Seed School. Two dinner groups worked on the project, along with a few other volunteers from Hoboken Grace. “The chalkboards […]

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Crossroads. Where passion meets a need.

Paul Manansala dreams of a church at the heart of Jersey City’s bustling intersections, where people from all walks of life come together to discover God’s love. This December, he’ll launch Crossroad Community Church in the city’s West Side – a passion project God has been leading him to his whole life. Paul grew up in a church in Jersey […]

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Add this to your Star Spangled Planner

Fireworks may have been moved to the east river this year, but that won’t stop us from having some fun!! Come celebrate Independence Day with Hoboken Grace! We’ll stake out a prime spot on Maxwell Place Park for a few hours and play some games – just look for the orange balloons. Bring a friend, a blanket, and a snack […]

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Bring Your Phone

It’s a perplexing problem – just what are you supposed to do with your hands during church? Twiddle your thumbs? Shred a napkin quietly in your lap? Hold the hand of your significant other, and squeeze it meaningfully everytime the message really speaks to their issues? How about take out your smartphone and follow along? That’s right, we want you […]

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What It Meant To Go!

Dozens of people dispersed across Jersey City this past Saturday with yard tools, paintbrushes and the goal of making a difference in a day. The 65 volunteers at Go! Jersey City, took on projects big and small all around the community. They weeded parks, painted schools and cared for a cemetery that dates back centuries. “It was great to see […]

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Why We Create

If you’ve been attending any of our services regularly the past month or so, you may have noticed a few things.   We’ve started a dance team that choreographed and performed an original piece about baptism, our spoken word team has been writing and creating beautiful, poetic works, we’ve installed backdrops made from scratch, we created powerful activities at Teams […]

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Baptism: Another Step Forward

Months before Marcie stood on stage to take the step of baptism and declare that she would follow Jesus anywhere, she sensed a small but growing voice leading her there. At first it was a occasional whisper, she explained. And then it was an overwhelming desire in her heart. It started when she joined a dinner group at the beginning […]

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That Fear Can Show You the Most Beauty

New York is not a city that believes in personal space – physical or mental. We stand nose to nose with total strangers on the subway, and continuously feed our minds an endless stream of news, emails and tweets. We’ve adapted to it, but for many of us, this noise and crush has become so familiar that we feel lost […]

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Team Member of the Week

Grant’s passion for people is undeniable whether he’s throwing a party, greeting people at the front doors for our Sunday services, or getting people together to play some Pickleball! His commitment & intentionality to build into the community is truly valuable. Let’s give it up for Grant, our Team Member of the Week!

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What’s Happening in Clubhouse?

Growing up, I always thought it’d be cool to be a superhero. Mostly because, well, flying sounded like it would be AMAZING. But also because superheroes stood up for what was right regardless of how dangerous or how scary the situation. Their conviction drove them to find the courage to stand up to evil, even when no one else seemed […]

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Summer For Preschoolers

It’s summerrrrrr! I hear Olaf singing that, don’t you? Gotta love Olaf, but we have no snowmen in our summer theme this year. We do however have water—and lots of it! It’s time for Camp Splish Splash! Camp Splish Splash will run through both June and July and introduce our preschoolers to lots of interactive Bible stories that all teach […]

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A group of 25 of our impact leaders recently returned from a weekend with the Axiom Community. They spent three days giving their full attention to developing a deeper intimacy with God, through storytelling, Bible teaching, and personal prayer and reflection time. The retreat was devoted to spiritual renewal and preparing the heart to listen to God’s dreams. We asked […]

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A Strong Summer

Often times we end our summer looking back at a whirlwind of activity. Activity that we enjoyed, but activity that leaves us drained physically and, most importantly, drained spiritually. Rather than walking into the fall refreshed and renewed, we often limp into fall longing for routine. Is it possible to change that? Is it possible for summer to be a […]

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Growth Path

This morning (5/31) we released for the first time the Hoboken Grace Growth Path.  Simply put, this is our plan as a church community to accomplish the mission of helping people find their way back to God.  In Ephesians we’re challenged to live our lives with purpose and intention. 1Cor. 9:24-27  Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, […]

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This Crazy Book

Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt intimidated? Have you ever wondered, “Where do I start?” Have you ever felt you had no idea how to understand what you just read? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be like that. For the next six weeks we’re going to read through the beginning of Acts […]

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