
Design Hoboken Grace’s Next T-shirt!

They've been there for plenty of special moments — 1Day, baptisms and other celebrations. But our Hoboken Grace T-shirts need a makeover, and we want YOU to be a part of making it happen. It's time for new shirts! And this time, they'll be designed by you! That's right — we're holding a T-shirt design contest. The winning entry will be printed on hundreds of shirts, worn all over Hoboken.

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Beginning This Sunday

What would it look like to actually live life without fear? So much of our lives are lived in response to the fears that haunt us. What would it look like to finally be free? Join us this Sunday, Sept. 11, as we start our new series Fearless. It's a conversation you won't want your friends to miss. Invite someone today!

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Parenting’s Dreaded Conversations

His thumb-sucking picked up the pace and his long eyelashes were blinking too quickly. "I don’t want Papa to die.” That moment when your child innocently exposes your inner monologue. He had overheard us talking. My dad is battling an aggressive meningioma. That’s a fancy way of saying brain tumor. It’s malignant. Cancer. Despite the best care in the country, the tumor was growing again.

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Dive Into a Book This Fall

Looking to grow in your understanding of God's word and how it applies to your life? One of the many Next Steps available at Hoboken Grace this fall is the nine-week Story Study series — four classes exploring a different book of the Bible. With just a few weeks before the Story Studies kick off, we asked each instructor what you'll get out of their class.

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Think Big This Fall

As Pastor Chris said on Sunday, becoming the people we want to be - and experiencing the shift between feeding ourselves and feeding others - means thinking big. It means asking big. It means pursuing things that are bigger than ourselves.

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Our Biggest 1Day Project Yet!

Each year, 1Day brings together as many people as possible to accomplish as much as we can for our city, with projects at parks, schools and local organizations. In addition to those projects, volunteers at this year’s event on Sept. 24 will also put together meals for families struggling with hunger in our community. But here's the catch: We're packaging 10,000 meals — in two hours.

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Turn It Up to 11

This past Sunday we got to cap off our BURST series with a day of just musical praise. We sang songs, we threw some paint and we had some of the loudest drums we’ve ever had in our services. And then we went home. So now what? Here are three ways to continue growing in your worship of God.

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Famous for Faith

Have you ever longed to be famous? Maybe the Olympics had you momentarily imagining you were the world’s greatest jumper, runner or swimmer. Or perhaps you have dreamt of being on a stage where there are smoke machines, flashing lights and loud music. Or maybe your chosen fame would come as a writer or academic. Whatever the case might be, at some point many of us have thought it would be cool to have a worldwide reputation for excellence in something.

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A Rhythm of Rest

When we adopt a rhythm of rest, such as the Sabbath, it's about much more than an opportunity to refuel. It’s about experiencing freedom from the idea that we’re defined by our work, or how well we fulfill society's demands and expectations. It’s a weekly reminder that our value is based not on what we produce, but who we are and who God intended us to be.

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Let’s Talk About Lust

It's become abundantly clear: A lot of people are struggling with lust, but no one likes talking about it. To be sure, the term "lust" covers a wide range of behaviors, from addictions to an overzealous love for Tinder. It all comes back to the same core emotion, and it manifests itself differently in every person. This story is Part I in a series about lust -- the many ways we struggle with it, and the ways we can fight it.

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Living a Life of Financial Freedom

Frustrated about finances? Drowning in debt? Befuddled by budgets, investments and retirement planning? Join the countless others who have found financial freedom through Financial Peace University. This nine-week course has transformed the lives of countless families at Hoboken Grace. Here are some of their stories.

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Your Story

"Where have you seen God?" It’s a question Pastor Chris challenged us to think about this week. But for the Writing Team, it’s the question that drives everything we do. As we think about what stories to feature in the newsletter and on the blog, we ask ourselves week after week where we see God working in our church family and in our city.

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Improv for a Cause (College Edition)

Over the past year, Improv for a Cause has raised money for organizations in Hoboken and around the globe. The events have benefited a community mentoring program, an orphanage in Mexico and a local homeless shelter. The next event is this Sunday, from 7 to 8 p.m. at Willie McBride's. And this time, we're sending someone to college!

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Next Series

Uncontainable, overflowing, overwhelming. These are words that those who’ve come before us have used to describe their response to God. However, they aren’t usually words we would use or words that would be used to describe us. What have we missed in this? What if the whole time we’ve been focused on the wrong thing and in the process we’ve […]

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The Fight: Now What?

How do we ensure that our stories are defined by God’s will instead of our appetites? What lies are we letting stew? How do we back away from our weaknesses and instead embrace His promises? Our five-week series about the life of Jacob might be over, but that doesn't mean the battle is. Here are five ways you can continue "The Fight."

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