
Service With a Smile

When someone becomes a member at Hoboken Grace, they’re presented with a dish towel inscribed with Philippians 2:1-11. It’s a reminder that we’re called to serve one another, just as Jesus served us. But of the 20 people who received dish towels this week, the gift was perhaps most fitting for Raquel, who actually does the dishes [...]

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Is This What You Want Me to Do, God?

As I discovered and accepted who Jesus was in my life, what He had done for me and all that He had in store, I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to do something BIG for God. I wanted to share with as many people as possible what I had just found out, it was THAT good. I wasn’t about to stand on the sidelines ㅡ I wanted a BIG role! And while I didn’t know [...]

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That Night Surprised Me

On a Wednesday night in early November, I found myself huddled around a dinner table in Jersey City with nine other women. Our usually lively group was quiet that night, and an unspoken tension hung in the air. It was November 9, 2016 ㅡ less than 24 hours after one of the most divisive election cycles in U.S. history.

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Recently, a co-worker did something that bothered me. When I confronted them, they didn’t accept responsibility. It wasn’t that serious of a situation; it was more annoying than anything. This happens to all of us. Someone does something that bothers you, but it isn’t a big deal. Maybe they minimized your contribution, mocked a mistake you made or blocked a […]

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What will be said? What will be said of you after it's all said and done? What will you leave behind? What will you contribute? From early in our lives this question is asked of us. There are additional pressures applied. You need to prove our family can... They need to see our people can... We need to prove women can... You come from a family that does...

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It’s Finally Happening!

It’s taken years of dreaming and months of planning, but it’s finally happening: the Worship Team is recording an album! The team has talked about producing an album for years, but prior attempts were met with various hurdles, and the timing was just never right. With a plan finally in motion, they've decided to go big and do it LIVE! And you’re invited!

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Dive Into a Book

Looking to grow in your understanding of God’s word and how it applies to your life? One of the many Next Steps available at Hoboken Grace is the nine-week Story Study series — three courses exploring Genesis, John and Acts. Each class will break down a book sentence by sentence, while also looking at it in a larger context — allowing you to see the role it plays in God’s story and your story.

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The Top Blog Posts of 2016

They’re stories about waiting, feeling restless and stretching comfort zones. They’re stories about feeling driven to your wit’s end, guardrails, oh yeah, and that crazy Uber thing. But they’re also about looking — for breathing room, or a place to call home. And they’re about finding — and redefining our ideas of family, community and value. These were the most read stories of 2016.

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This January

In a world where so much of what we do is insignificant, how can we live a life that leaves a powerful legacy? How can we lead lives of true lasting significance? Join us Sunday, January 8th, as we launch into the year with a mission to live lives of lasting significance!    

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Home Away From Home

John and Erica were just starting their life together when John got an internship ㅡ then a job ㅡ in New York City. So the couple moved to New Jersey, where they’d spend their first year of marriage hundreds of miles from friends, family and the small town where they grew up. In addition to desperately missing everyone back home, living in a city setting took some getting used to.

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A Gift I’ll Never Forget

I remember what it was like the first Sunday I walked into the big red doors at 301 Garden. I had just moved from North Carolina, and I was checking out Hoboken Grace on a recommendation of a colleague. I was really hesitant to try a new church on my own. I had always gone to church with my family, and on this particular Sunday, the weight of being alone in a strange place was heavy on my heart.

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A Christmas to Remember

The sights, sounds and smells of Christmas filled 301 Garden. Elves’ hats jingled. Cookie crumbs lined trays. Mulled cider steamed from paper cups. But those who attended the Hoboken Christmas Exchange on Saturday say what made the event most special were the moments that made their heart swell — the moments filled with smiles and tears, gratitude and generosity.

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The Annual Christmas Letter

Some families spend hours baking cookies every Christmas, then package them up to give to all their friends and relatives. In my family, we spent hours sending out Christmas cards with the annual holiday letter — 400 of them. My dad was in the military. As my parents moved from post to post every few years, they made friends in each location with other service people who lived the same transient lifestyle.

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Breathing Room

The time of day that I am currently struggling with most as a parent is bath. Like many families, we often sandwich bath in between dinner and bedtime — not the most effortless hours of my daily itinerary. By 6 p.m., I've already been parenting for twelve hours! Is there any job that is glorious after a cool twelve hours? So let me tell you what my parenting can look like as we enter our apartment bathroom — a tiny room with amazing acoustics and no fresh air.

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Picture Perfect

Hoboken Grace’s Photo Team is always ready to capture special moments. And in just a few days they’ll do just that by taking portraits for nearly 200 families receiving gifts at the Hoboken Christmas Exchange. "Last year we knew we wanted to do as much as possible to go above and beyond just handing out gifts,” says Al, who leads the Photo Team. “We wanted to give as much as we could, and family portraits seemed like that little extra something.”

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