
Growth Path

This morning (5/31) we released for the first time the Hoboken Grace Growth Path.  Simply put, this is our plan as a church community to accomplish the mission of helping people find their way back to God.  In Ephesians we’re challenged to live our lives with purpose and intention. 1Cor. 9:24-27  Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, […]

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This Crazy Book

Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt intimidated? Have you ever wondered, “Where do I start?” Have you ever felt you had no idea how to understand what you just read? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be like that. For the next six weeks we’re going to read through the beginning of Acts […]

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Anyone and Everyone

It’s never too late to join us in our Bible Reading Plan. We are reading through the New Testament in one year, one chapter per day. In Acts 16 we see God and the Holy Spirit defy race, social economics, background, and aptitude. Acts 16 is where we also see the church of Philippi formed, to which Paul will eventually […]

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What the Heck is Teams Night?

On Friday, June 5th, we will have our second Teams Night of 2015. Our first one, in March, was an incredible night of prayer and worship, and just of time spent leaning on God. Over the past several months I’ve had a lot of questions about it, mainly along these lines: “Can I go to Teams Night?” “Can I bring […]

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Lights, Camera, Action!

Our dinner groups at Hoboken Grace are all about building community. A half-dozen groups took that to heart last week by preparing more than 500 meals for local students rehearsing for opening night of Shrek The Musical. For four nights, the dinner groups provided more than 150 plates to the hungry cast and crew of elementary, middle and high school students […]

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Like a good neighbor….

As Director of Missions and Outreach, I have a passion to see people connect. I love it when people learn something new about someone else, find something in common with a complete stranger or even discover something unique in cultural differences. We have an opportunity coming up to experience all of the above. Our friends at Liberty in North Korea […]

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Baptism Meetings This Sunday

Now is your chance! One of the first steps we are called to take when we become a follower of Christ is the step of baptism. It’s an outward expression of our faith and a symbol that we have been made new because of Christ. If you are interested in taking the step of baptism or have questions, we will […]

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Go! Jersey City

At Hoboken Grace, we know it’s possible to improve a city in a single day. That’s the goal of Go! Jersey City, a one-day service event hosted by Downtown Community Church. We’ll be working alongside them to complete projects for New City Kids, St. Anthony’s High School and other local organizations, while also transforming parks across the city. This is […]

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The Mother of all Sundays

We will have six licensed, professional massage therapists on hand this Sunday, May 10th, to give every mother a well-deserved 10 minute chair massage!  The spa experience will also extend to offer lemon water and chocolate covered strawberries. Relaxing and decadent! Mothers will be able to listen to the message while relaxing. So, this is your last chance to invite […]

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May Happy Helpers!

Your preschoolers will be happy to know that this month The Happy Helpers Club is back in Grace Kids! And, it’s better than ever. This is one of our FAVORITE themes to do with preschoolers. At a young age, children start saying, “I help,” and it’s our responsibility to teach them how to help. God wants them to help others, […]

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Clubhouse Kids in May!

In Clubhouse this month, our Kindergarten through 5th graders will learn that there’s something about the things we say that kind of stack up one way. Then there’s the way we live, or the reality about certain situations that stack up another way. If both stacks line up, you can build something strong on them. When what we say lines […]

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Experience Plan

Today as we talk about how we can take off our plans for the future and put on His plan for our future we’re returning again to our experience plan.  Here is a link to where you can download the plan and begin using it in your life as well. Click here to download!

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