
Unexpected Opportunities

It can be tough navigating the working world. It’s specially hard these days with so much job loss, job change, company restructure, and the “new” work from home lifestyle. Working professionals will tell you that networking is key, but I bet not many people think of their church as a place where that type of networking can be done. Valentina […]

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Step Into Faith

Baptism Sunday at Hoboken Grace is always a special occasion. We love to celebrate and are honored to be part of the journey when someone takes the next step in their faith. It is so amazing to see someone publicly pronounce their commitment to Him and the rebirth and transformation they are expressing by washing away their old selves and […]

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Home is Where He Is

Kim and her family thought they had found a home in Hoboken, they had purchased a condo, their kids were settled into school, and the whole family was plugged in at Hoboken Grace. Everything was going according to plan, when suddenly life took an unexpected turn, and Kim’s husband’s job found them all uprooting and moving to the Dominican Republic […]

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Sophia’s Commitment

Every Sunday at Hoboken Grace is a special one, but there is something about those times when Pastor Chris brings out a bottle of champagne that adds a little more cause for celebration. That’s right, Baptism Sundays! When somebody in our church family makes the life–changing commitment to God through the act of baptism, we celebrate and come together knowing […]

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Creating a Home in God

When Addison moved to Hoboken in 2013 from North Carolina, he had no idea that decision would change his life and ultimately, help to change the lives of others as well. Although his time here was brief, it has had lasting implications that will now reverberate for years to come.  Like so many others, Addison came to New Jersey for […]

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Hoboken Grace in 2020

In 2020, Hoboken Grace was able to remain a stable rock for our communities even in the midst of so much unpredictability. God worked through the challenges and trying times to provide bright spots in the darkness. We are extremely humbled to see all that He has accomplished and are so thankful for the efforts of each and everyone one […]

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Christmas Eve at the Lawn: A Night to Remember!

As Christmas Eve approached, a rainy weather forecast had us all a little worried about whether we’d be able to host the outdoor service at The Lawn, but the rain held off and the temperature warmed up too! As everyone gathered to celebrate Him (safely and socially distanced!), the feeling of the night was just perfect. Several Christmas trees–each lit […]

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Spreading Joy! A Recap of the 2020 Hoboken Christmas Exchange

The Hoboken Christmas Exchange is an amazing event that shows just how much a church community can accomplish when it comes together to help others. It was the sixth annual event, and more than 1,075 children received gifts, including toys, clothing, books and other necessities. God is doing great things! It was a truly joyful time filled with laughs and […]

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All I Want for Christmas is…

When we’re young, we write Christmas lists with everything we think we need to be happy. As we get older, we begin to expand those lists to include life goals, status symbols, career prominence, and other achievements we feel we need in order to feel that Christmas-morning-level joy in life. But how often do we take that list to God […]

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How It Started vs. How It’s Going

We recently wrapped up the “God is For Us” series here at Hoboken Grace. The end of a series is always a great time to reflect on the full conversation as it encourages us to think more deeply, or differently about what God was teaching us. This week we sat down with longtime Hoboken Grace member John to discuss how […]

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Fall Team Gala

The greatest moments are found in the things we regain. In a year of so much loss, there was a lot we thought wouldn’t be possible and yet many great things unexpectedly still happened. Perhaps those things had to be reworked or re-imagined in order to meet new requirements, but even those slightly modified life events are welcome blessings this […]

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Five Common Questions About Joining a Team

Last Sunday, Anthony talked about how each person has a part when on one mission together. Just like the early church, we’re called to the same mission of helping people find their way back to God. But in order to fulfill that mission, everyone is called to engage in it. At Hoboken Grace, several dozen teams do […]

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Mega-Awesome Costume Party

Many nostalgic thoughts run through our heads when we think about the month of October. The fun decorations, parties or candy (way too much candy), and the chance to dress up as all kinds of different characters from comic books, movies and TV. Some of my favorite costumes I’ve ever had were from my childhood days. I was a frog, […]

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The Great Commission

18 Jesus came and said to them, “All power has been given to me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go and make followers of all the nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach them to do all the things I have told you. And I am with you always, even to […]

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