
When Your Timelines Go Astray

One of the things this season of life is teaching me is how to better empathize with others. I realized recently that many of my single friends are likely experiencing a version of what I am now – this longing for a season of life that has not yet happened. Maybe, like me, you face daily reminders that you are not where you want to be. [...]

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Press Reset

Try as we might to grow closer to God, our daily whirlwind of responsibilities and distractions often pulls us in other directions. But what if you set aside several days to simply experience His presence? This spring and summer, you’ll have two opportunities to do just that. From June 1-3, Hoboken Grace members are invited to [...]

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Lending a Hand to a Neighbor

Once a month, a Hoboken Grace table is set up outside of ACME supermarket on 7th and Clinton streets, inviting shoppers to drop off purchases for the Hoboken Shelter as they head out to their cars. On the way in, shoppers are offered a postcard listing “Most Needed Items” – things you’d expect such as cereal, tuna fish and marinara sauce. There are also [...]

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Why I Serve on the Assimilation Team

The Assimilation Team works to make sure every guest at Hoboken Grace knows they matter. It comprises three smaller groups: the Engagement Team (helps people find their place to serve), the Concierge Team (helps guests take next steps) and Connection Points (helps answer any questions from [...]

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Pick Your Track

Amplify is back! Hoboken Grace’s one-day growth conference is designed to boost your faith and your pursuit of Christ by equipping you to move forward in specific areas of personal growth. That might mean developing stronger spiritual habits, exploring your gifts, gaining confidence in telling your story or learning new ways to read different [...]

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Loving Others Well

How do you read the Bible? How do you discover all that it has to offer? Amy teaches Hoboken Grace’s Genesis Story Study on Sunday mornings, and whether you've taken her class or not, she has some great tips for exploring God’s Word. She recently talked to the Writing Team about how to find time in a busy schedule, how to get started, and how [...]

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Inviting for Introverts

A few years ago, I was at a bar with a friend who struck up a conversation with the bartender. They started talking about what brought her there — a few people from Hoboken Grace had wandered over after a connection event — and what she liked to do on the weekends. And then she invited him to church. This was shocking to me [...]

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Who Will You Invite To Easter?

Last year, as a church, we prayed that everyone would invite two people to join them on Easter. Church attendance doubled. A record 1790 people came to Hoboken Grace that Sunday. Studies show that people are more likely to attend church on Easter Sunday than any other date. But what if we not only invited people we know on Easter, […]

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Simple Service, Huge Potential

Ever since Hoboken Grace launched 10 years ago, a team has been conducting small acts of kindness all over the city. We’ll never know exactly how many people have been impacted, but we do know that one simple act has huge potential. These are the stories of three people who were handed a granola bar more than six years ago and how they are still being [...]

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Finding Family in Puerto Rico

While it was a sense of family that drew both of them to Puerto Rico, Shelby and Astrid left with another family – the nearly two dozen people they’d served with. “I have never felt so much love in one place,” said Shelby. “Like I said, I didn’t know anyone before the trip. But when everyone met on the first day, we were like, OK, we’re here, we’re family now." [...]

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Their First Mission Trip

When Jim and Lyla visited Sierra Leone last year as part of a mission trip with Hoboken Grace, Jim suggested taking their kids on the next trip. “I said no way,” said Lyla, laughing. But Jim continued pressing the idea, hoping to bring their two oldest daughters, 9-year-old Loren and 7-year-old Luca. After all, he had lived in Africa when […]

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It’s All Part of the Story

The last two years have been pretty crazy. I’ve experienced incredible highs and devastating lows. My husband and I tied the knot in 2016, moved, changed jobs and, the most exciting change — this year we’re expecting our first child. In the midst of that, we’ve experienced the loss of several family members, including my father-in-law and an aunt I loved [...]

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You Had Me at Hoboken Grace

Over the past decade, at least 17 couples have gotten married after meeting through Hoboken Grace. That includes couples who got to know each other at connection events, on a mission trip, at a choir info meeting and even while working in the church office. As we continue to celebrate Hoboken Grace's 10th birthday this month, we asked some of those couples [...]

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