
Creating Real Community

When I moved to this city five years ago, I was newly engaged, diving into my fiance’s existing network of friends and church family in Hoboken. Seven hundred miles away, I left behind an amazing community of friends and a church I loved. As an extrovert, I have always enjoyed meeting new people and building new friendships, but starting from scratch […]

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Baptized: A Mother and Son’s Journey

Barbara is a single mother of two, and Jordan, her youngest, has decided to follow in his mom's footsteps. “Jordan and I are very close and are extremely similar," explains Barbara. "He is in the high honors class and gifted and talented program in school. He wants to be a lawyer when he gets older."

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Taking the Initiative to Care

Thanks to the initiative of one teenager, more than 14,000 hospitalized kids in over 150 countries have received handmade cards filled with words of encouragement, support and love. Last month, our Clubhouse kids became part of the movement to spread hope as they crafted cards and learned about taking the initiative to care for others. It’s all part of our lesson […]

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Simply Serving

Simple Service connects people to people in a natural, easy and low-risk way. Who doesn’t like being handed an ice-cold bottle of water on a swelteringly hot day? Or getting a free granola bar on those mornings when there is no time for breakfast? It’s one of the most powerful ways we can love our city. And it allows us […]

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Making Meaningful Connections

Whether you’re a part of Grace Kids, First Impressions or any other team, serving together allows us to use our talents to build relationships while loving others. Our teams are also a great foundation on which to establish the pillars of healthy community: sacrifice, risk and investment.

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God Will Take Care Of Me!

This month, it’s time to visit the We Care Pet Shop where we care for your pets and your kiddos! Our team has had so much fun planning this month. It’s full of dogs and frogs and birds and mice! Oh my! Your kids are sure to have fun, but more importantly, they are sure to learn about caring and […]

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Clubhouse Update!

When you walk into a room and you look around, do you notice what you need to notice? Have you ever wondered why there are some people who can see things that other people just don’t see? It seems like some people just have this knack for looking around a room and noticing things that others don’t. Maybe they notice […]

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Choosing Joy

As a teacher in Grace Kids, I’m always mentally juggling all the big and small things I want kids to learn. We have our monthly themes, our monthly bible verses and our bottom lines. But the Sunday school lessons are just part of what the kids are learning. We are also working to teach them the life lessons that God […]

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Thumb Wars and Mr. Giggles: Kenya Mission Trip Memories

The Swahili word for mercy is Rehema. And mercy is at the heart of Rehema Home – an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya, that offers a new life to children who have been orphaned, abandoned or abused. Our Kenya mission team just returned from Nairobi, where they spent 10 days serving the 60 children who call Rehema their home. We recently sat down […]

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Starting September 13th: Circles

In a world that is increasingly connected why is it that we often feel so disconnected? What does it look like to not only have community, but to create meaningful community? Invite a friend as we begin the conversation about the many circles in our lives and the powerful truth that God wants to teach us about how meaningful community is not found, but built.

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5 Reasons You Should Join the Choir

You don’t have to have been part of Hoboken Grace for very long to know that we love to celebrate. Chris routinely pops a bottle of champagne on stage, and when someone comes up out of the water after baptism, we raise the roof. This fall, our church is launching a new group entirely dedicated to celebrating — a choir. […]

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