
Watch Josh’s Story

“I was looking for a new way to serve at Hoboken Grace and I had a conversation with a friend who mentioned that there’s a huge need for male leaders in Grace Kids,” Josh says. “It kind of threw me off. It wasn’t on my radar. I wasn’t thinking about serving in kids ministry. I’d never really done that before and I really didn’t think I connected [...]

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A Year and a Half of Chalkboarding

We were designing a new set for our stage when someone pointed out that chalkboards are everywhere in Hoboken. Before I could ask any questions, the rest of the group was jumping on board. Our new set debuted several months later, and I soon realized changing the artwork on these giant chalkboards was about to become a regular part of my life. And this [...]

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Summer at the Movies

Just like that long-awaited sequel, Hoboken Grace is back at the movies this summer – Movies Under the Stars, that is. A group will be handing out popcorn at the city’s free movie screening at Pier A each Wednesday night. The series kicked off last night with a showing of Young Frankenstein. Hoboken Grace began serving popcorn at the [...]

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Defining Moment

You know how on social media, they let you set up your profile? It’s a way for people to identify you – a way for people to connect with you. You know what’s hard? When people have other people in their portrait picture. When that happens, I can’t tell who is who. Here’s my picture. Okay, maybe I don’t have a leg to stand on. They say that couples [...]

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The Trip That Changed Everything

Rose had been going to Hoboken Grace for only a few weeks when she heard something on Mission Sunday that stuck with her. Pastor Chris said God has a way of speaking to you and you would know when He’s calling you to do something. Having such an intimate relationship with Christ was something Rose had not experienced. But when [...]

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Growing, as a Family, in Grace Kids

When Carla’s daughter Nora tried Grace Kids for the first time, it wasn’t the easiest of transitions. Tears streamed down her face and she wailed in protest as Mom attempted to leave. So Carla stayed, hoping Nora would grow more comfortable. The same thing happened week after week. Nora would burst into tears, so Carla stayed instead of [...]

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A (Grown-Up) Love Story

Once upon a time, at a college far, far away, a girl met a boy. The boy’s name was Jose, and he was very good at math. The girl’s name was Liliana, and she was… not very good at math. “I had a tutor, but the tutor left. And I kept hearing about this one guy, Jose,” recalls Liliana. “Everyone kept talking about how great he was. At the tutoring [...]

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Win: A New Series Starting This Sunday

In the game of life we all want to win, but often the battles are confusing and we aren’t even sure who or what we’re fighting. It’s time to get clarity in how we can actually begin to win. Join us as we explore how God is preparing us for the fight. This summer it’s time to start winning! Our […]

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How to Make the Most of Amplify

The thing about conferences is, oftentimes, it’s what you make of them. Come distracted and close-minded and you’ll likely have just a few takeaways. Go all in and you might leave with life-changing insights. Amplify, Hoboken Grace’s one-day growth conference, is already designed to propel you forward. Each breakout track is an opportunity [...]

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Growing Together

"...We don't have a religion, we have a relationship with God. We don't give Him our leftovers, we give Him our all. And the only way we can do that is if we take the time to invest in that relationship, invest in ourselves and continue to grow in our faith, together, as a church community." That's where opportunities like Amplify come in. [...]

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Fighting Hunger at Home

Lee Ann is an introvert, and striking up a conversation with strangers does not come naturally. “It definitely takes me outside my comfort zone,” she says. But each month, Lee Ann and a few others stand outside ShopRite and ACME, talking to shoppers as they wheel their carts in. They hand each person a card, asking for food donations for [...]

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What’s Holding You Back?

Sometimes I don’t believe my head and my heart communicate with one another. Do you have this problem? I can tell myself 100 times: You need to get up and exercise because it benefits your health and wellness. Or, pick up that book you’ve been slowly working through, it’s better for your brain and vocabulary than binge-watching Netflix. But often my [...]

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An Encore at Hoboken High School

At Hoboken’s public schools, community theater is a longstanding tradition. For the past seven years, the entire district has worked together to produce an annual musical. It’s one of the biggest community events put on by the high school, requiring two months of planning, not to mention the involvement of over 150 students in kindergarten [...]

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Down in the Dumps

The other day, I felt pretty down in the dumps. I don’t know why, but I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Has this ever happened to you? You can’t explain it, but you’re just grumpy. I don’t mean those of you who need a morning coffee before you can speak, much less speak coherently and kindly. I mean just being grumpy — those times [...]

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Saying Yes

It had taken several years to say yes. “I’ve always wanted to serve on a mission trip before but never did,” says Erik. “When Hoboken Grace began promoting all the trips, I remember saying to myself that this was the year I would go and serve.” Brandt also decided that this would be the year he’d finally go on a mission trip. [...]

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