Grace Kids Graduation

Story Team

In Grace Kids we seek to help people find their way back to God by creating environments where kids can experience, learn about, respond to, and grow in the truth and love of Jesus while their parents have the opportunity to experience God through the message downstairs.

One of our favorite Sundays of the year in Grace Kids is Graduation Sunday! Graduation in Grace Kids is a special Sunday where we celebrate all that the kids have learned and accomplished throughout the last year! Our preschool kids make the move to Clubhouse and all of our Clubhouse kids move into their new classes based on the grade they’ll be in in the fall. This includes our 5th graders who are moving to our Middle School Groups!

We participate in lots of fun activities, decorate graduation caps, have some yummy treats and take lots of pictures to commemorate the day!! I think the treats are probably a crowd favorite with the kids and the parents usually cherish the pictures the most.

“My favorite thing about graduation is welcoming the rising kindergartners into Clubhouse and seeing their excitement joining in with the older kids in the new activities!” – Said Diane, the Clubhouse Leader.

We are so thankful that we get to be a part of this incredibly special day each year!