The Power of a Simple Service

Story Team

When Tiffany and Adam Croxton moved to Hoboken, they struggled to feel at home in a new place that moved much faster than life in Mississippi. As they tried to settle in, they realized they were both hungry for community and purpose. ”We discussed finding a church family,” says Tiffany. “But we didn’t make the effort to reach out or attend any services.”

Then one morning, as Tiffany was walking to the PATH on her way to work, a complete stranger handed her a granola bar and a little card, and genuinely wished her a nice day. She ate the granola and tucked the card away in her purse. That card sat there for about a month.

“Sporadically during that month, God reminded me about the card in my purse,” says Tiffany. “Then as I walked home after a particularly tough work week, I saw a sign for Hoboken Grace on a bus stop. The sign’s design incorporated a light bulb. At that moment I knew…” Adam and Tiffany agreed to check out Hoboken Grace the next Sunday.

Tiffany says she was drawn to Hoboken Grace by the boldly caring way she was approached. During the quick interaction with the man handing out granola bars, she says she “felt a sincerity and grace that, to me, is at the core of a Christian heart.”

“There are so many ways to love people and spread God’s word,” says Tiffany. “And in a society where we are over stimulated and interpersonal communication can be very superficial (and often purely perfunctory), I was refreshed by the smiling face, who cared for me, but wanted nothing in return.”

Many times we fear rejection when sharing God’s love, but we need to trust that God will work through us. You never know who you are impacting through acts of Simple Service.

“God can use the simplest of gestures to open someone’s eyes and hearts,” says Tiffany. “In a city of strangers, God is working through us to show his love for creation.”

You can find out more about our Simple Service Team by attending the info meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, February 14th in the Study at 301 Garden or by emailing