Progress in the fight against Ebola

This past fall we spoke about the World Hope Organization and their efforts to bring aid and keep people safe during the devastating Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone. We also provided our community a chance to support these efforts and collected over $27,000 which was then matched by a matching donor.

We recently received an email of thanks from World Hope informing us that our support assisted in making it possible to “ship 9 containers, full of medical supplies and water equipment, to Sierra Leone, from the UK and Michigan. While each container costs approximately $10,000 to ship and be released through customs, the containers hold more than $2.5M worth of supplies!”

World Hope has been documenting their efforts in the fight against ebola and you can check out a video about the containers here. We are excited grateful that our community has been able to be a part of these incredible efforts. We want to thank everyone for their support and prayers.