Resurrection, Rebirth, and Restarting!

Story Team

Easter is always a special time at Hoboken Grace. This year was particularly meaningful because in-person Easter services were cancelled last year during the Pandemic. In order to ensure maximum attendance, but also safety and social distancing, we offered an unprecedented 7 in-person services this weekend! There were 2 on Saturday night and 5 on Sunday. There were also online services and a special virtual service on Good Friday.

It was an extraordinary celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus which brings the hope and promise of new life in Him. In order to honor that new life found in Him, 6 people were baptized this weekend at 6 of the services. It was so powerful to see those 6 people publicly profess their faith and announce their rebirth to their lives in Christ.

The space was set up slightly different this weekend with intimate tables throughout the room to maximize attendance but ensure social distancing. This, along with the 7 total services allowed us to welcome over 900 people at 301 Garden. The Worship Team, Production Team, First Impressions, and all the other teams, staff, and volunteers, worked tirelessly to deliver this incredible experience to all who attended. Grace Kids welcomed 185 children this weekend at the various services and there were special online services which were joined by 582 people.

This weekend was also the launch of our new series called Starting Point. Pastor Chris spoke about how we all have a point in our lives where our idea of religion or concept of God started. Our idea of God may be influenced by our culture, our upbringing, and our personal experiences. But we may not really know who God actually is. This new series will explore those questions, doubts, and misconceptions we may have about faith and how to restart our faith with the right framework.

Pastor Chris said that Jesus’s resurrection proved He was who He said He was and set Him apart from the different gods of the time. It showed He kept His promises and He came to do something special. There were so many misconceptions about Jesus and God back then and there are still questions and false ideas that exist today. This new series will explore those things and get to the heart of who God really is.

This entire Easter weekend was such a powerful testament to how we can continue to impact the community and those around us with the love of God. We are opening up our doors again in an extensive way but also safely. The tremendous success of the events surrounding Easter this year are proof of that commitment and the efforts of all of our staff, teams, and volunteers who help to make it all happen. We are looking forward to what God will continue to do this year as we begin to get back to a more normal version of life. Easter was just the first step and we are so excited for what is to come!