The following exercise is from our partners at Axiom. To discover more resources visit
As a leader, we suggest leading a person or group of people through these four questions. The person(s) simply needs time to write on a blank piece of paper their answers to these four questions. Give time & space to go slowly, encouraging people to not be in a hurry, yet tell them to not be-labor their responses.
Answer these 4 questions as they apply to you today- THIS PRESENT MOMENT!
List those that come to mind without a lot of laboring
Again, list those that come to mind easily
Examples: Close by with His eyes looking into mine, in the distance staring away from me? Behind me beckoning me to take a step? Right alongside, holding my hand. A million miles away?
Examples: Close by with His eyes looking into mine, in the distance staring away from me? Behind me beckoning me to take a step? Right alongside, holding my hand. A million miles away?)
After those 4 questions have your group pause and review their answers before sharing with one another.
Final Discussion Question:
Let’s talk openly about what seems to be shimmering (standing out) right now for you. Are you surprised by anything you’ve written? What’s particularly interesting? How do you feel as you read your answers to question 3 and question 4?
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Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
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