Sometimes the first few weeks of a new job or new career can be exciting, as well as difficult and challenging.
So, how do we C.A.R.E. for our friends, coworkers, and group members who are dealing with the stress of starting a new job?
CRISIS – Understanding the Elements of Stress in a New Job
Starting a new job means a time of proving oneself, of learning new routine, meeting new people, learning new personalities, taking on new challenges, mastering a new schedule and set of goals, and facing the typical politics of the workplace.
Taking on a new job or new career may also cause stress and anxiety related to expectations, and learning a new task can be challenging to deal with, possibly causing feelings of inadequacy. It is also common to experience fatigue, difficulty sleeping, and problems concentrating along with the stress and anxiety. Some degree of this is normal and to be expected in those first few weeks and months.
If we’re going to empathize with a group member or friend starting a new career, it’s important to understand the legitimate worries most of us have when starting a new job:
Recognize that new job stress affects the entire family, particularly when a physical move is required.
APPLICATION – Practical Suggestions for Encouragement
LOOK- Realize if it is a new coworker, they may actually need time to get to know you and trust you as someone they can come to with a question or frustration.
ASK – Sometimes our coworkers and group members need our empathy, understanding, and positive encouragement. You too were once new on the job! So, don’t hesitate to ask questions like:
LISTEN – Be available just to listen to your coworker or group member talk about whatever they need to share or when they have questions about the way things are done.
REFERENCE – What Does the Bible Say About Work and Stress?
ENGAGE – Next Steps For Engaging Your Coworker or Group Member
OFFER affirmation and positive feedback. Share helpful workplace expectations. Encourage them to be a listener and a learner as they lead in this new space.
CONNECT them with other coworkers or group members and different teams over lunch, coffee or conversation in the workplace.
SUGGEST healthy personal rhythms as they establish a new professional rhythm – because there is a tendency to overwork during the first few months of a new job. Ask them what they like to do for fun, exercise, family time or down-time on the weekend. Suggest these books on how to best lead and influence in the workplace:
PRAY for them and ask God to give you opportunities to share his love with your friend, family, coworker or group member going through this new season.
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Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
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