Thank You Notes — “Hoboken Christmas Exchange”


Over 1,900 individuals were impacted this past Saturday as the result of over 600 donors, and 276 volunteers. Read that again.

Including all the partners, 3,400 people participated – in a city of 55,000 people! All of this is only possible because of you.

After your amazing outpouring of love to your neighbors, we were able to collect some thank you notes from those who received gifts from this year’s Hoboken Christmas Exchange.

Now, we’ll let their words paint the picture of how truly special the community of Hoboken is.

Thank you ALL for the warmth, the smiles and the love. The gifts were absolutely appreciated and much needed. But, let me tell you..walking from the back of the line all the way around I could feel the love of Christ all around me. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thats what it’s all about for me. God bless you all for your time and your generosity! And for that sister that recognized that I needed to hug! Amazing that you picked up on that!
– Maria

I love my white towels and the game stop gift card for my son. Thank you so much to you and Hoboken Grace for being so kind. I really appreciate my gifts, thank you so humbly.
– Shelma

Thank you very much for the gift for the kids. They are going to be very happy with the toys and everything they are going to get.
– Hadil

I would like to thank the family as well as the volunteers for the gifts that were brought for me and my children…we are waiting to open them on christmas but we greatly appreciate it and are very thankful for the gifts that we all received from you…Thank you much
– Shawna

I want to thank everyone who donated the gifts for my family and all the families that were at tonight’s Hoboken Christmas Exchange 2018. It just makes me feel blessed that there are so many amazing and caring people who are there to give from their hearts so that a family who is struggling during the holidays are able to make a child feel loved. May God Bless you all, also thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful volunteers who gave of their time and hearts to help.
– Merry Christmas and Love to all from Tina and Family.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your blessings. My family is very appreciative. I hope you have a Merry Christmas from my Family to yours. Happy Holidays!
– Mareline

Thank you again for your participation in the Hoboken Christmas Exchange. Let’s do it again next year!

We hope you have a Merry Christmas and hope you get the chance to join us for a Christmas celebration!