The Power Of An Invitation

Story Team

Have you ever felt a nudge to invite someone to church? Maybe it was a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you don’t even know so well.

Sometimes inviting someone to church for the first time can feel intimidating. Other times we may find ourselves saying no for people, thinking they wouldn’t be interested or many times we may get too caught up in what they may think. However, as we’ve learned from previous Sundays, no one is beyond God’s reach and we shouldn’t say no for someone on behalf of God!

Is there anyone you’re saying no for?

A while back, I had felt a strong nudge to invite a friend to church, but it took me longer than it should have to take the step of inviting my friend to come on a Sunday with me. I’m not sure if you’ve ever felt like this, but sometimes I can put things off, waiting for ‘the perfect moment’ and many times I let doubts or overthinking get in my way. However, I’ve been learning to say yes, trust in God, and let Him do the rest!

So I took the step and invited my friend a couple of Sundays ago, and I’m so glad I did! I just sent a simple text saying – Hey, do you want to join me at my church on Sunday and then we can get brunch after! It was such a cool moment when we sat down to eat after church and she told me how much she loved it. She had never experienced a church like Hoboken Grace before or knew that a place like that existed. She was really excited to come back!

It was also a special opportunity for me to be able to share more about my faith, how God has been working in my life, and my involvement at Hoboken Grace. Who knows what seeds were planted in her heart that day, and what could come from a simple invitation!

Whether it’s saying yes to inviting someone to church or a dinner group, or sharing your story – so much can happen when we step out of our comfort zone and follow where God is calling us!

Easter is an amazing opportunity for you to invite someone to join you at Hoboken Grace. Many people who wouldn’t typically attend on another Sunday will say yes to coming on Easter! You never know the impact it can have in someone’s life – and this could be the first time they are hearing that no matter what they’ve done or where they’ve been God loves them, is pursuing them, and wants a relationship with them!

Who is God putting on your heart to invite this Easter… or any Sunday?

I’m encouraging you to say yes and to leave your doubts behind! Don’t wait until the last minute, make the invitation this week!

To check out our Good Friday and Easter service times go to