Update From Our Team In Guatemala

Story Team

Our team has been in Guatemala this week serving with one of our global partners, Potter’s House. Potter’s House is an organization we partner with, that seeks to empower those living in poverty around Guatemala. 65% of people there live in poverty – not just economic, but physical, spiritual, and mental. For 34 years Potter’s House has been walking alongside poor individuals, families, and communities to develop long-term relationships and community centers that they work to build together.

Every year, we go out there for one week to work on a project either at their facility or out in the community.

This year our team is building a house for a family of four in the Chiquimula region of Guatemala. With their roof caving in, our team is helping to finish their new house.

Potter’s House also hires local workers, as they value employing people in their community. The family is also working alongside everyone, so they have a hand in improving their family.

Beyond working on the house, the team will also serve lunch to the children at the local school and deliver food supplies to eight households in the region.

Check out some of our photos so far from what our team has been up to!

Join us as we continue to pray for those who are serving with us as well as those in Guatemala.

If you’re interested in learning more about our service trips click here!