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Media Resources

Series: Starting Fresh

There are very few things God speaks about that are more misunderstood than the idea of forgiveness. The misunderstandings cause destruction, confusion, and frustration. I’m “supposed to forgive?” What if they don’t change? What about the pain? Honestly, most of us have more questions than answers when it comes to forgiveness and often it’s because we’ve heard part of the […]

Series: What Keeps Us From Christmas

Separation from His creation was not acceptable to the one who loves us most. In His mission to help us once again know love, He became one of us on Christmas morning. He came to face what we face. He came to confront those things that would keep us from experiencing the mission of Christmas. Join us this Christmas as […]

Series: Payout

Have you ever been overwhelmed by the fallout of a decision years after that decision was made.  Have you ever thought, when will the consequences for this end?  Have you ever looked back with amazement at the joy one single decision has brought you? One of the greatest principles of life is that decisions do not simply impact the moment […]

Series: A New Home

For so many of us home is complicated. Our relationships with our families have left us often lost when it comes to the idea of home, and yet the longing for it seems to never leave. As we celebrate our new home this fall, join us as we explore one of the most powerful stories of home ever told!

Remembering Jesus

Where can life be found?

Encountering Jesus

How are you coming to Jesus?

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