• Hoboken Grace Re-Entry Plan

In evaluating our current situation we believe that the best course of action would be to execute a plan that engages people personally as soon as possible while being creatively responsible. This plan would be implemented in four phases.

PHASE 1: CURRENT: Small indoor/outdoor gatherings

Trigger: State allows 10+ people who can gather inside, 25+ people can gather outside

  • Fine Tune Online Church Experience: Our first priority is to continue the improvement of our online experience and engagement. This is the immediate focus.
  • Open Groups: We will open groups to meet in person and will move to a combination of online and in person groups. (As soon as groups of 10 are allowed to meet.)
  • Open Connection Events: We will encourage groups to once again hold connection events for smaller groups of people. (Beginning when groups of 10 are allowed to meet.)
  • Live worship: We will bring the band back together to record at 301

PHASE 2: Medium indoor gatherings

Trigger: State allows indoor dinning, camps and large outdoor gatherings

  • Open Restaurants/Bar Venues: Our first public gatherings will be in restaurants or bars. We would look to secure 10 to 20 venues where we would host services every Sunday morning. We would establish venues for kids venues where there will be no kids. (Launch as Restaurants are Cleared to Open).
  • Open Grace Kids Wed. 3-4 pm: We will launch Grace Kids as an after school program for those who’s parents attend online. (Launch as soon as daycare’s are cleared to open.)
  • Open Outdoor Worship Night: We will hold our first outdoor worship night in late August giving people a chance to worship live for the first time.
  • Open Outdoor Services: We will look to hold possible outdoor service(s) based on city restrictions.

PHASE 3: Large indoor gatherings

Trigger: State allows indoor large gatherings of at least 100 people.

  • Open Multiple Locations: It will be our goal to open two 100 person locations with a multiple service times.
  • Grace Kids: We will launch Grace Kids on a limited basis based on service size.

PHASE 4: Full capacity services

Trigger: State allows indoor large gatherings with-out limits.

  • Stay multi-site with at least two locations.
  • Continue to follow guidelines to keep people healthy especially during winter cold/flu season.

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