Series: Easter

Easter message is based on John 12:24, we are so afraid of loss and death, but life is born out of death. It’s when we let go of what we cling to that we actually begin to live. You have to die to live, die to the life that’s decaying and come alive to the life you were created for.

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Easter Sunday

April 16, 2017

From the beginning, God has been working to ensure that we never settle for less than what we were created for. He’s working for us to know the power of resurrection, but His tool in this might surprise you.

Good Friday Service

April 14, 2017

“If God is real then…” Most of us have started a sentence like that. In our dark times, in our struggles, it’s really easy to give up on God entirely. But don’t lose hope, there will be a Sunday after Friday!

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