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Series: What Am I Here For?

At the heart of every person there’s a question. No one escapes it. No one can avoid it. It’s the question of purpose. What am I here for? What’s the point?

It’s a question that every person for all of time has asked. It’s a question that God has, in his grace and love, gone to incredible lengths for us to know and realize.

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Celebration Sunday

October 27, 2019

We all have a tendency to be forgetful, to just move on to what’s next. But what if we took more time to remember ?

Your Time

October 13, 2019

Join us as Pastor Chris wraps up “What Am I Here For?” With the fifth and final fundamental call of God in our lives.

Uniquely You

October 6, 2019

Its not just that God uniquely planned things for us to do in this story, he uniquely created and gifted us to do them!

Knowing and Growing

September 29, 2019

How do we embrace our growth process when we are so worried about instant results? Join us as Pastor Chris challenges the core of how we view our spiritual growth.

Gaining Clarity

September 22, 2019

What if community is more important than we thought in discovering our purpose?

To Be Loved

September 15, 2019

Most of us think love is reciprocal and we interact with the world that way. But what if we have the idea of love – of God’s love – backwards?

The Wrong Question

September 8, 2019

It’s the most important question in our lives, but there’s another question we have to wrestle with first. Join us as we begin our new conversation, “What am I here for?”

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