Common People. Common Table. Common Goal.


Our Dinner Groups have always been at the core of Hoboken Grace. Every group is made up of common people from diverse backgrounds, gathered at a common table, pursuing a common goal. It is a practical and hopeful pathway for everyone seeking a closer relationship with God. Whether you are taking your first steps toward God or are a longtime follower of Jesus, an online dinner group will meet you right where you are.

When you join an online dinner group, there is no long-term commitment. However, we do encourage you to attend the same group for six weeks. This is because dinner group is different every week. During those six group meetings, you will get a more complete picture of dinner group. Here are a few things you can expect:


Joining an online dinner group takes a step of faith (see 5 Reason We Think Online Dinner Groups are Worth It), but it is a step you will always be glad you took. When you first attend, you will notice the diverse backgrounds of the group members. They are for anyone and everyone. Over time, members find that the things they thought defined them (careers, race, place of origin) pale in comparison to their commonalities as people finding their way back to God.

As you attend a group it begins to normalize your life. You discover that everyone encounters storms and that we are all in need of a savior. It is out of these realizations that your group is able to cultivate meaningful conversations that lead to growth.

We are all responsible for our own spiritual growth, but we do not have to grow alone. Dinner group members encourage each other to take action in their faith, in order to grow closer to God.


Although we are not currently gathering at a physical table as a family, we are still able to share both the celebrations and struggles in our lives in an online community. It becomes the place where you can be who you are.

We do a lot of sharing in group. Some weeks, a dinner group will worship together or share their stories. Other nights the group will pray for each other, our church and our community.

Often it can be a challenge for us to recognize what our gifts are or how we have grown over the duration of the group. Dinner groups take specific nights out of the year to stop and acknowledge that growth. No matter where you are, this online gathering is where we are able to care for one another and where families are formed.


Our goal is to further each other’s growth and include as many people as we can on this journey.

At Hoboken Grace, every Sunday morning conversation is part of a series focused on a particular theme. Each week in our groups we talk through discussion questions stemming from Sunday and work together to make the choices and commitments necessary to apply the message to our lives.

In James 1:22 it says, “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” It is not enough for us to simply talk about God’s word, we must put it into action. These weekly conversations allow the group to put into practice what they have been learning. Group members might not be all at the same point spiritually, but we all have room to grow, and we can encourage each other by taking steps together in the same direction.

At Hoboken Grace, we exist to help people find their way back to God. In groups, we work to accurately and passionately reflect Jesus Christ to our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. They are not an elite club only a few can join. We encourage group members to invite and include others. They are open to all who are interested in discovering more about what it means to know and follow God, no matter who you are, where you have been or what you have done.

Don’t miss out. We saved you a seat. Will you join us?