Make an Impact

James S.

1Day Hoboken is right around the corner. It is an amazing day when we join together to spread love to different organizations and people all over our city. Then, at the end, we get a chance to celebrate everything amazing that God did in just one day!

If you are like me, a few years ago, you might like the idea that you can commit to a few hours of service and still be part of something significant. While 1Day Hoboken requires just a few hours of service, the impact of the projects live on. How cool is it that the time you’d normally spent on brunch can lead to lasting change?

Last year, we had the opportunity to remove shrubbery at The Jubilee Center to help their dream of having a small garden for people of the community. We also built a few garden boxes and filled them with soil. If you walked past them between September and April, the thought probably crossed your mind, “why did we do that project? Nothing came from the hard work!” That question was answered this summer as fresh produce now overflows from the beds and boxes.

This is one of the great things about God, He can take the weeds and redeem them into fruitful soil. We talked about the Parable of the Sower in a Sunday conversation a few weeks ago. (If you haven’t listened, I encourage you to go back and listen here.) We witnessed real life soil transformation first hand following 1Day Hoboken in 2019.

The families and children visiting The Jubilee Center or TRUE Mentors can now pick fresh produce and take it home at no cost. All of the remaining produce is picked and delivered to the Hoboken Shelter for meal preparation. The impact of simply serving a few hours to remove bushes now ripples throughout multiple organizations and impacts hundreds of individuals.

In the midst of our current environment with COVID-19, I can’t help but think about how amazing God is. He orchestrated a plan much bigger than we could imagine by providing the necessary resources and servants to produce a garden in Hoboken for people who need it. WOW!

Maybe your life feels like it isn’t producing right now, maybe you feel stuck or like you want to serve or help in some way but don’t think you can make any difference. If that’s the case, then I encourage you to sign up for 1Day Hoboken and be part of something significant with us. Giving a few hours of your time may not seem like it can make an impact, but if you do, you will be part of planting seeds of change in our community that will grow for years to come!

To learn more about 1Day Hoboken check out the website at