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Time to Hit the Pause Button

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. There are several reasons, but one is that it’s time for Amplify!

Amplify is a day when we all come together for one purpose – to draw closer to the One who loves us most. There are so many distractions throughout the week. We bounce back and forth between meetings, emails, brunches, and the list goes on and on. In the midst of all that, we often struggle to spend time alone with God. That’s where Amplify comes in. It’s a day to hit the pause button on all of life’s distractions and focus on our experience of the One who is pursuing us.

I want to invite you to join us on Saturday, October 21st. Hit the pause button on what has distracted you from taking your next step and simply experience Him. Amplify offers seven growth tracks to help you do just that.


Don’t be misled by the title – this class isn’t only for those beginning their journey with Christ. This is a chance for you to dig deeper into the habits that allow you to pursue Him on a daily basis. You will learn practical ways to engage with scripture and put into practice rhythms that will allow you to experience the fruit of your relationship with Christ on a more consistent basis.


YOU have been given a gift to impact the world around you. Are you interested in discovering what that gift is and how you can develop and activate it in your daily life? Don’t miss out on this class!


The grace you have received is not for you alone, but for you to share with the world around you. YOU have a story. Take this opportunity to develop an understanding of your personal story, how you can communicate it and how you can gain confidence to share it with those around you.


There are certain relationships and circumstances in life where God wants to speak directly into our lives. They hold tremendous potential for love or pain. Come explore the basic building blocks of a meaningful and rich relationship with the person you wake up next to each morning.

Book Studies

As you explore God’s word, you’ll find there are various forms of literature that He uses to communicate His story and His heart. Each of our book studies at Amplify are designed not only to introduce you to the book, but also to teach you how to study that type of literature in the scriptures. These tracks will help you study the entire Bible, not just one book.

1 Corinthians

A study of an epistle, or letter, to the Corinthians written by Paul in the New Testament.

1 Samuel

A study of a historical book of the Old Testament


A study of a wisdom book of the Old Testament.

To make it easier to attend, we’ve covered a few of the logistics for you. For one, if you’re not a Hoboken resident, parking passes are available.

Also, if you’re a parent, we even have childcare! From babies to 12 years old, your kids will experience a great day of adventure, play and fun at Step by Step in Hoboken (720 Monroe St., Suite C-107). The staff is a group of experienced, caring individuals who are dedicated to the well-being of your child. Naps are available and lunch is provided.

And did I mention that coffee is available all day and our friends at the Newport Chick-Fil-A are catering an incredible lunch?

You DON’T want to miss out on this exciting day! I hope to see you there!

Choose your growth track and register for Amplify today.

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