As we develop and train our leaders, there will be no services this Sunday (5/26)!

  • Amplify

    Amplify your growth in a powerful way.

    Register Now


“I really enjoyed the day and left feeling encouraged to dive deeper with new tools.”

“Great event, can’t wait for next year!”

“The day was awesome. I loved the worship from start to finish. Thank you for helping us grow.”

“Love having different churches come together to worship God and know him better”

“I believe everyone should at some point in there journey should attend Amplify!! I wish it could happen more then once a year – Thank you.”

“We should have Amplify every month! I’m kidding, how about every three months, seriously. Amplify is just wonderful.”

January 27th, 2024

Amplify your growth in a powerful way! Experience a one-day event designed to boost your faith and your pursuit of Christ by equipping you to move forward in specific areas of personal growth. Amplify is designed to encourage, challenge and train, while allowing you to choose one of eight exciting growth tracks based on the area you want to amplify.

9:00am Registration
9:30am Opening Session
10:15am 1st Breakout
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm 2nd Breakout
3:15pm Closing Session

Registration Cost
$15 Early Bird

$25 Before Event

$35 At the Door

Childcare – Amplify Jr. 


We’re excited to offer Amplify Jr! An opportunity for your child to grow in a powerful way! With relevant teaching to help your child grow in their relationship with God.


Dig deeper into the habits that allow you to continue to pursue Christ on a daily basis. Learn how to practically engage the scriptures. Explore prayer and your conversation with God. Strengthen the foundation of your relationship with Christ and begin to experience the fruit of that relationship on a more consistent basis.


Throughout church history, God’s people have turned to the Psalms in times of both joy and sorrow, finding a voice to express both our joy and our tears.  We will look at – and practice – a few simple ways to read the Psalms that open them up and bring them to life for us – so that they can bring us life.


Discover a unique way to engage your neighbors, co-workers, friends and family with your personal story. Develop an understanding of your story, how to communicate your story and gain confidence in how you can share that with those around you.


The class focuses on the stages of parenting and how we can raise our children to know and understand who God is in their lives. It’s an Amplify favorite that will encourage you and challenge you in one of the most important roles you’ll ever play.

Wisdom Literature

What could be more practical than questions of suffering, the use of money and power, how to work and love, and the quest for order and purpose amid the chaos of life? You will have the chance to see wisdom literature (Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs) not as impenetrable ancient near eastern philosophy, but timeless, beautiful, pastoral books which speak as powerfully today as when they were written.


Take the next step in discovering, developing and activating your giftedness to impact the world around you. This breakout track will walk you through the process in an exciting and engaging way, empowering you to move forward in impact.

Money Talk

Are you positioned for the impact you want to make? What if money doesn’t have to make life and relationships harder? What if the answer isn’t always more? What if you had a solid plan for the future that you actually followed? Join us as we engage our finances from a new perspective. Note: Class is designed for those who have not yet taken Financial Peace University

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