Finding Care and Support in the Wake of Uncertainty

Story Team

We are certainly living in an unprecedented time. It can be a time of fear, of isolation, of loss; but it can also be a time of hope, new relationships, and guidance. Even though connection has changed and is happening in unique ways, connection and support are still available.

At Hoboken Grace, we want to partner with you and offer you a safe harbor in the wake of this current storm. In order to do that better, we have created the Care and Support page to help connect you with resources to get the love, support, and care you need.

On the page you’ll find several resources you can access to find connection and care in the way you need the most.

Care Calls

You can schedule a Care Call to receive a phone or video call from one of the members of our pastoral staff. This is an excellent opportunity to have someone reach out to you for prayer, friendly conversation, or just a check-in.

Support Groups

We also have multiple support groups you can join and our groups are all meeting virtually so you can connect wherever you are. Groups vary in scope to meet your needs. We offer a group called Financial Peace University (FPU) which is a great financial resource group. Many at Hoboken Grace have seen their lives change as a result of FPU. Rather than just focusing on lost finances, FPU helps you with all matters related to your financial health; from budgeting to life insurance, to how to eliminate debt. Whether you’ve had to cut back to manage your finances better under the strain of the economic issues right now, or if you just want to set a budget to make sure you’re staying on track, joining an FPU group can help you get your finances in order.

Crossroads is an addiction support group to help you manage the isolation, anxiety, and depression you may be facing during the quarantine that could affect your sobriety. Whether you need help maintaining your sobriety or you are just beginning the journey towards sobriety, Crossroads is an excellent resource to guide you.

If you’re new to this whole “God thing” or you’re struggling with doubts and questions, or just seeking your way back to Him, Starting Point is a safe space to ask the tough questions and get honest answers. It is also an excellent place to connect to others who are facing similar issues or questions in their relationship with God.

If what you really need is simple community and connection, Dinner Groups are, and have always been, an excellent way to connect to others in the Hoboken Grace family and local community. You can forge deep and lasting friendships, get prayer and support, and learn more about God while connecting to a community who will be there for you during this uncertain time.


If you are seeking connection or looking for a chance to be of service to your community, our Connectors program is a great outlet. These are different than our Care Calls as they are peer to peer vs Pastoral staff. You can request to be contacted by a Connector who can be there for you and offer prayer,

conversation, and connection to help minimize loneliness. Or if you want to find a way to serve others and give of your time, you can volunteer to be a Connector who reaches out to others in the community to impact and support them.


If you just need someone to pray for you or for a loved one, you can submit a virtual prayer request online. Our prayer team and staff pray for all the requests we receive every week and we would love to offer you this comfort and help in bringing your requests to God.

Personal Counseling

Our care staff are available to reach out to you and provide counseling or connect you to our professional counseling resources. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, loss, anxiety, marital strain or just need someone to connect with on a deeper level about spiritual or emotional issues, Personal Counseling is available.

Funerals and Weddings

Even though many of life’s activities are on hold right now, we understand that Weddings and Funerals may not be able to wait. If you need to request one of our pastoral staff members to officiate a wedding or funeral or to discuss your plans for the future, you can also request more information here.

Home Response Plan

We are not just partnering with you to offer care and support for your emotional and spiritual needs, we also want to help you with your physical needs as well.

We’re helping with food packages as well as business support and personal job searches. We are setting up a benevolence fund to help people with emergency financial needs and much more. To learn more, visit our Home Response Plan page.

We look forward to hearing from you and helping you find whatever type of support you may need. Even though it may feel like it right now, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. So please, reach out and visit the Care and Support Page to take the first step seeking support; you won’t regret it!