Amplify is back! Hoboken Grace’s one-day growth conference is designed to boost your faith and your pursuit of Christ by equipping you to move forward in specific areas of personal growth. That might mean developing stronger spiritual habits, exploring your gifts, gaining confidence in telling your story or learning new ways to read different books of the Bible.
So circle Saturday, June 3rd on your calendar/planner/iPhone and choose from one of seven growth tracks.
— Develop consistency in your relationship with God through prayer, scripture and other spiritual habits in Foundations.
— Discover clarity and confidence in telling your Story.
— Evaluate how you can use your gifts and talents in Empower.
— Explore the messages of Luke, Ecclesiastes and 1 Samuel with our three book studies.
— And learn more about God’s vision for Parenting.
Pick an area you want to focus on and register today. Lunch will be provided and childcare is available. You can find more information here.
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