Blog - Sunday


So much of our thoughts are consumed by our future. What’s next? Where am I going? Am I prepared? What if you didn’t have to live that way? What if there was a way to find peace about your future? Join us this February as we look at the freedom and peace God wants to bring into your life concerning […]

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9 Things Worth Celebrating

As Hoboken Grace celebrated its birthday this past week, the Writing Team sat down with Pastor Chris and his wife, Ana, to talk about some of their favorite memories since launching the church nine years ago. When Chris and Ana look back, they recall not just specific moments – the first Easter Egg Hunt, the first service at 301 Garden – but [...]

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Learning to Fail Significantly

For more than a decade, Jackie has been devoted to making her salon in Union City a success. But recently, she turned the lights out and locked up for the last time. After all of those years doing her best to attract and keep clients and care for her staff, she was walking away from the business she had built from the ground up. At the same time [...]

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Our Next Series: Story

Have you ever wondered how your story, the stories of the past, and God’s story fit together? By learning to tell your story, and by listening to others, we have the potential to change our lives, if you let it happen. Join us for a two-week series beginning February 12th and discover a unique way to engage your neighbors, co-workers, friends […]

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What will be said? What will be said of you after it's all said and done? What will you leave behind? What will you contribute? From early in our lives this question is asked of us. There are additional pressures applied. You need to prove our family can... They need to see our people can... We need to prove women can... You come from a family that does...

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This January

In a world where so much of what we do is insignificant, how can we live a life that leaves a powerful legacy? How can we lead lives of true lasting significance? Join us Sunday, January 8th, as we launch into the year with a mission to live lives of lasting significance!    

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This December

There isn’t a single one of us who isn’t asking the question of value. What value do I have. What am I worth to her, to him, to them. What is my value. This Christmas we explore value, treasure and worth. It’s a conversation you’re already having. It’s a conversation God wants to engage specifically with you.

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Welcome: We’ve Been Expecting You

One of the most uncomfortable moments in my life was showing up to a brunch that I thought I was invited to and yet no one was expecting me. They must’ve accidentally sent the invitation to my inbox. I showed up at an intimate table of six people — one of them I knew — and noticed there wasn’t room for seven. They must’ve thought I was simply coming over to say hello and then go meet my party or have brunch in another area of the restaurant.

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Starting This Sunday

Have you ever sat down to read the Bible and felt intimidated? Have you ever wondered, “Where do I start?” Have you ever felt you had no idea how to understand what you just read? You’re not alone, and it doesn’t have to be like that. For the next four weeks we’re going to continue reading through the book of Acts together.

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Beginning This Sunday

What would it look like to actually live life without fear? So much of our lives are lived in response to the fears that haunt us. What would it look like to finally be free? Join us this Sunday, Sept. 11, as we start our new series Fearless. It's a conversation you won't want your friends to miss. Invite someone today!

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Dive Into a Book This Fall

Looking to grow in your understanding of God's word and how it applies to your life? One of the many Next Steps available at Hoboken Grace this fall is the nine-week Story Study series — four classes exploring a different book of the Bible. With just a few weeks before the Story Studies kick off, we asked each instructor what you'll get out of their class.

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Think Big This Fall

As Pastor Chris said on Sunday, becoming the people we want to be - and experiencing the shift between feeding ourselves and feeding others - means thinking big. It means asking big. It means pursuing things that are bigger than ourselves.

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Turn It Up to 11

This past Sunday we got to cap off our BURST series with a day of just musical praise. We sang songs, we threw some paint and we had some of the loudest drums we’ve ever had in our services. And then we went home. So now what? Here are three ways to continue growing in your worship of God.

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A Rhythm of Rest

When we adopt a rhythm of rest, such as the Sabbath, it's about much more than an opportunity to refuel. It’s about experiencing freedom from the idea that we’re defined by our work, or how well we fulfill society's demands and expectations. It’s a weekly reminder that our value is based not on what we produce, but who we are and who God intended us to be.

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Next Series

Uncontainable, overflowing, overwhelming. These are words that those who’ve come before us have used to describe their response to God. However, they aren’t usually words we would use or words that would be used to describe us. What have we missed in this? What if the whole time we’ve been focused on the wrong thing and in the process we’ve […]

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