Blog - Sunday

We Believe!

We Believe was held last Sunday and is‌ ‌designed‌ ‌to‌ ‌help‌ ‌kids‌ ‌learn‌ ‌what‌ ‌it‌ ‌means‌ ‌to‌ ‌have‌ ‌a‌ ‌personal‌ ‌relationship‌ ‌with‌ ‌Jesus‌ ‌and‌ ‌what‌ ‌it‌ ‌means‌ ‌to‌ ‌take‌ ‌the‌ ‌step‌ ‌of‌ ‌baptism.‌ ‌The‌ ‌class‌ ‌provides a welcoming space to engage‌ ‌in‌ ‌this‌ ‌ conversation with‌ ‌your‌ ‌child‌ and‌ ‌give‌s parents the‌ ‌tools‌ ‌to‌ ‌answer‌ ‌their‌ ‌questions‌ ‌as‌ ‌you‌ ‌continue‌ […]

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Dive in! Taking the Step of Baptism

Taking the step of baptism is an emotional and exciting event. At Hoboken Grace, we believe no one should take the step alone. We are all on this journey together as a church family and we love to celebrate these things as a family! That’s why when someone is baptized, they do so surrounded by their friends and family to […]

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Coming Back Together

A few weeks ago, Pastor Chris spoke about tapping deeper into the spiritual well which we do by coming together again as a church family. As we encourage people to return to church and get back into community, Hoboken Grace is expanding in-person services, using the Lawn for more connection opportunities, and promoting in-person serving and teams again. We are […]

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Resurrection, Rebirth, and Restarting!

Easter is always a special time at Hoboken Grace. This year was particularly meaningful because in-person Easter services were cancelled last year during the Pandemic. In order to ensure maximum attendance, but also safety and social distancing, we offered an unprecedented 7 in-person services this weekend! There were 2 on Saturday night and 5 on Sunday. There were also online […]

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Step Into Faith

Baptism Sunday at Hoboken Grace is always a special occasion. We love to celebrate and are honored to be part of the journey when someone takes the next step in their faith. It is so amazing to see someone publicly pronounce their commitment to Him and the rebirth and transformation they are expressing by washing away their old selves and […]

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All I Want for Christmas is…

When we’re young, we write Christmas lists with everything we think we need to be happy. As we get older, we begin to expand those lists to include life goals, status symbols, career prominence, and other achievements we feel we need in order to feel that Christmas-morning-level joy in life. But how often do we take that list to God […]

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Five Common Questions About Joining a Team

Last Sunday, Anthony talked about how each person has a part when on one mission together. Just like the early church, we’re called to the same mission of helping people find their way back to God. But in order to fulfill that mission, everyone is called to engage in it. At Hoboken Grace, several dozen teams do […]

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Reunited and it Feels So Good!

I think I’ve spent more time outside these past few months than I have in my entire life combined. Alright, that MIGHT be a slight exaggeration, but I have been getting a lot of fresh air due to our current circumstances. Most of my meals have been eaten on sidewalks and the majority of my social interactions have been in […]

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Five Tips If You’re Struggling to Develop Rhythms

Every month we talk about incorporating rhythms into our lives in order to engage with God throughout the day. But new habits don’t develop overnight. We often must first acknowledge and embrace the disabilities that keep us from hearing how God is speaking into our lives. Here are five guidelines [...]

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Don’t Be Discouraged By A No

My first time ever walking into Hoboken Grace was Memorial Day weekend, 2019.  I’d occasionally see people walking up and down Washington Street with a Hoboken Grace t-shirt, or see a booth or flags flying at one of Hoboken’s street fairs or at a waterfront park.  I enthusiastically swung open the door and stepped inside. To my surprise, the church […]

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Creative Easter Experience

For years, when Easter rolled around and we started talking on Sundays and in dinner group about inviting others, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat inadequate. On the one hand, I knew that as a Christian, I was supposed to be sharing the message of Christ. But I’m not great at initiating invites to brunch, let alone church. And the whole thing usually served as […]

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Inviting for Introverts

For years, when Easter rolled around and we started talking on Sundays and in dinner group about inviting others, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat inadequate. On the one hand, I knew that as a Christian, I was supposed to be sharing the message of Christ. But I’m not great at initiating invites to brunch, let alone church. And the whole thing usually served as […]

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Staying Connected

No matter who you are or where you come from, we are all living through an uncertain time. But whether you’re working from home (“WFH” as the kids are calling it), watching Netflix in your pajamas or trying to find productive ways to fill your time, Hoboken Grace still believes that our community needs to be there for each other […]

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Ash Wednesday

As I walked into Ash Wednesday service, I thought I already knew what I would sacrifice for Lent. I had decided I would wake up 20 minutes early and do a Bible reading every day. I felt making that commitment each day would be a worthy sacrifice and would definitely help me prepare my heart and mind to get closer to God and get ready for Easter […]

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