Blog - Sunday

Vision Nights

Numbers tell a story, and that’s especially true when it comes to your home. Square footage, for example, can paint a picture of just how much you are -- or aren’t -- roughing it in a city apartment. And the number of years you’ve lived in one place can also say a lot. So it seems appropriate that numbers played a huge role during Hoboken Grace’s first-ever […]

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A Step of Faith

At Hoboken Grace, we celebrate this public display of inward faith in a BIG way. After their baptisms last week, Chris and Melissa sat down with Hoboken Grace’s Stories Team to talk about why they decided to take the step of baptism, who they shared this moment with and the advice they’d give others who are considering baptism as well. Read […]

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Does Online Church Make An Impact?

Kenny, a single father living in Hoboken, told himself that he should probably go to church on Easter Sunday, something he used to do with his parents as a kid. Instead, he decided to watch Hoboken Grace’s service live, on the church’s website. Kenny was deeply moved by the love of God that he once knew.

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From One Birthday to the Next

The first time I set foot into 301 Garden, it was Hoboken Grace's 10th birthday. I didn’t have a clear idea of who God was at the time, but my roommate served on the Production Team and convinced me this was a great day to go see what Hoboken Grace was all about -- and also spilled the beans that there would be confetti cannons. I wasn’t sure how I felt about going [...]

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Looking Outward

Resolutions are one of those things people seem to love or hate. Love is a strong word, but as a frequent journaler, I get pretty into them. I’m not talking about your ordinary “go to the gym” resolutions, though — I’ve never been able to follow through on those. I have what I call annual “do something” goals. Each year, I aim to do at least one [...]

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Killing Idols

Week after week, I sit with people who know what their idols are, but seem incapable of eliminating them. It’s a conversation I have time and time again, and in almost every circumstance there is a principle missing from the discussion. And that principle may be the most important thing we need to know if we’re going to battle with the idols in our lives. [...]

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A Summer to Celebrate

At Hoboken Grace, we kicked off the summer with a series to do just that. "Celebrating Summer" asked what it would look like if this summer could be your best summer yet. With Labor Day marking summer's (unofficial) end earlier this week, we thought it was time we looked back at the summer we had at Hoboken Grace and reflect on [...]

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The Art of Hustle

A couple months ago I was in a season of pure, unrelenting hustle. We were a few weeks out from Easter and we were in the middle of a massive undertaking – a brand-new set for the stage. After a few set-backs (pun intended), we were finally moving along, working to reach our goal of unveiling it by the Good Friday services. Every night during the weeks [...]

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She Said Yes!

Last Sunday, before services began, the dozens of people serving that morning gathered for a 9 a.m. Team Huddle. The gathering started out as it usually does, with teams sharing celebrations from the past week. And then Anthony called Stephanie to the stage, announcing he was going to do something "a little bit different." That set in motion a proposal from [...]

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Prayer ― Your Direct Line to God

I remember when I was working full time in the performing arts, I got the name and cell phone number of a pretty famous person. I thought it was awesome just to have it in my phone. We were working on a project together, we became friends and, as friends do, we exchanged numbers. After the project finished, we stayed in touch briefly and about a year [...]

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Five Common Questions About Joining a Team

Last Sunday, Anthony talked about how each person has a part when on one mission together. Just like the early church, we’re called to the same mission of helping people find their way back to God. But in order to fulfill that mission, everyone is called to engage in it. At Hoboken Grace, several dozen teams do […]

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Everything Changes This Fall

Over the past several years, more than 200 people in our church family have taken Financial Peace University, forever changing the way they interact with money. In story after story, we've seen individuals take control of their finances, pay off thousands of dollars in debt and be able to give more freely to those around them. This course has already [...]

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Be Bold

“You’re a Christian?” I remember being asked that one day at dinner with someone I hadn’t seen in a long time. We were friends in college and had reconnected over a dinner in the city years later. They were surprised because in college, I wasn’t a Christian. In fact, during undergrad, I probably had never been farther from God in […]

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Now, I Can Celebrate Summer

There were two things I learned right away when I moved to Hoboken. One, don’t talk loudly (or at all) on the PATH, and two, get a beach house in the summer. Both of these things were foreign to me — I wasn’t super familiar with public transportation and, where I’m from, people go to the beach for the day and then go home. But in New Jersey, [...]

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A Rhythm of Rest

When we adopt a rhythm of rest, such as the Sabbath, it's about much more than an opportunity to refuel. It’s about experiencing freedom from the idea that we’re defined by our work, or how well we fulfill society's demands and expectations. It’s a weekly reminder that our value is based not on what we produce, but who we are and who God [...]

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