Blog - Sunday

Starting September 13th: Circles

In a world that is increasingly connected why is it that we often feel so disconnected? What does it look like to not only have community, but to create meaningful community? Invite a friend as we begin the conversation about the many circles in our lives and the powerful truth that God wants to teach us about how meaningful community is not found, but built.

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5 Reasons You Should Join the Choir

You don’t have to have been part of Hoboken Grace for very long to know that we love to celebrate. Chris routinely pops a bottle of champagne on stage, and when someone comes up out of the water after baptism, we raise the roof. This fall, our church is launching a new group entirely dedicated to celebrating — a choir. […]

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Creating Community

In a world that is increasingly connected why is it that we often feel so disconnected? What does it look like to not only have community, but to create meaningful community? Join us this fall for a conversation about the many circles in our lives and the powerful truth that God wants to teach us about how meaningful community is […]

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How Your Phone Can Help You

When you feel stuck in an in the meantime season, how often do you stare blankly at your phone, anxiously waiting for that something to happen, instead of turning your gaze to God? Maybe you’re waiting for test results from your doctor, or a job offer, or a text from that special person that feels like it could change everything. […]

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Performing Personal Poetry

As Paul writes in 1st Corinthians, every believer has been blessed with a spiritual gift. Some of us are sympathetic listeners, while others are powerful speakers. Some of us serve quietly behind the scenes, while others lead publicly. We are all specially gifted to play a unique and vital role in the body of Christ. At Hoboken Grace, a member […]

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How A Rock Concert Changed The Way I Worship

I used to be such a stiff when it came to worship. Lifting my hands felt so awkward. I found it so hard to let go of wondering what people might be thinking of me. Then one May evening in 2009, everything changed. I was at a concert for one of my favorite bands, an indie group from Kansas City […]

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Crossroads. Where passion meets a need.

Paul Manansala dreams of a church at the heart of Jersey City’s bustling intersections, where people from all walks of life come together to discover God’s love. This December, he’ll launch Crossroad Community Church in the city’s West Side – a passion project God has been leading him to his whole life. Paul grew up in a church in Jersey […]

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Bring Your Phone

It’s a perplexing problem – just what are you supposed to do with your hands during church? Twiddle your thumbs? Shred a napkin quietly in your lap? Hold the hand of your significant other, and squeeze it meaningfully everytime the message really speaks to their issues? How about take out your smartphone and follow along? That’s right, we want you […]

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Why We Create

If you’ve been attending any of our services regularly the past month or so, you may have noticed a few things.   We’ve started a dance team that choreographed and performed an original piece about baptism, our spoken word team has been writing and creating beautiful, poetic works, we’ve installed backdrops made from scratch, we created powerful activities at Teams […]

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