Blog - Sunday

7 Tools to Help You Grow This Summer

For the past few weeks, we've been talking about how you can make this your best summer yet -- and learn to rest in Him instead of resting from Him. On Sunday and in dinner group, we've discussed various tools to help you do just that. They include apps, audio and even video. Here's a full list, and where [...]

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5 Simple Ways to Care for Others This Week

On Sunday, Anthony talked about what it means to care for others, and how we must all play our part in doing so. “One person can’t care for all of us, but ALL of us can care for someone,” he said. And yet, caring for one another – in good times and bad — isn’t always our default setting. Serving each other in [...]

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Your Love Project Reading List

“One of the worst things we believe about love is that it’s supposed to come naturally,” Pastor Chris said during Week 1 of “The Love Project.” If you’re looking to strengthen the relationships in your life — whether it’s with your spouse, the person you’re dating, or even a friend or neighbor — here are some books to help you do just that. [...]

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Inviting for Introverts

A few years ago, I was at a bar with a friend who struck up a conversation with the bartender. They started talking about what brought her there — a few people from Hoboken Grace had wandered over after a connection event — and what she liked to do on the weekends. And then she invited him to church. This was shocking to me [...]

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Who Will You Invite To Easter?

Last year, as a church, we prayed that everyone would invite two people to join them on Easter. Church attendance doubled. A record 1790 people came to Hoboken Grace that Sunday. Studies show that people are more likely to attend church on Easter Sunday than any other date. But what if we not only invited people we know on Easter, […]

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10 Reasons to Celebrate

Hoboken Grace started with a dream to impact this city and the thousands of people who call Hoboken home. That dream began coming to life 10 years ago, when a tiny church plant held its first service in a dingy bingo hall. Ever since, Hoboken Grace’s mission has been to help people find their way back to God. Over the past decade, that mission has [...]

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The Story He Told

This year, we partnered with God in loving our city better, building relationships, and serving locally and around the world. As we look back on 2017, it’s overwhelming to see all that He has done. As a church community, we were able to reach more people than ever before, grow more settled in our city and [...]

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Stuck at Work: New Series Starts This Sunday

We want to live lives that leave the world a better place, but then we go to work. We sit at a desk and wonder if we’re accomplishing anything of lasting significance at all.  What do we do with work? It’s time to get unstuck. Join us for a powerful two-week series beginning Oct. 29th.

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Experiencing Rest

“Social media, people-pleasing, worry, fear—all that is a source of unrest for me,” said Hannah, who serves on the Worship Team at Hoboken Grace. “My schedule could be wide open, or I could have just had vacation, but if my mind is consumed with all these other things, I would not feel rested.” That’s when even worship can get frustrating. [...]

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Rest: A New Series Starting This Fall

When was the last time you actually experienced rest? When was the last time you felt rested? To a world on the brink of exhaustion, Jesus says He brings rest. What if He actually can? Join us this Sunday, September 10th, as we kick off our new series, Rest. Pick a service time that works for you here, or visit our site to catch up!

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When the Math Doesn’t Make Sense

Jim said he couldn’t help but be moved when he met the families and kids that were getting support from Enable the Children. Kids with cerebral palsy who had spent their lives indoors on the floor were sitting upright, feeding themselves and getting to go outside with other kids. But the finance guy in the back of Jim's mind kept on asking, is this really [...]

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A Year and a Half of Chalkboarding

We were designing a new set for our stage when someone pointed out that chalkboards are everywhere in Hoboken. Before I could ask any questions, the rest of the group was jumping on board. Our new set debuted several months later, and I soon realized changing the artwork on these giant chalkboards was about to become a regular part of my life. And this [...]

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Win: A New Series Starting This Sunday

In the game of life we all want to win, but often the battles are confusing and we aren’t even sure who or what we’re fighting. It’s time to get clarity in how we can actually begin to win. Join us as we explore how God is preparing us for the fight. This summer it’s time to start winning! Our […]

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Our Next Series

No one wants a childish relationship, but we continue to hold on to childish ideas of love. A grown-up love is built on a grown-up understanding of how we give and receive love. Join us this spring as we allow God to break down some of our childish ideas of love and replace them with a grown-up love!

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Our Biggest Celebration

We officially kicked off the season of Easter last week with our first Ash Wednesday service. That was only the beginning. We're pulling out all the stops this year, celebrating Easter with seven services over one epic weekend. And then there's the Easter Egg Hunt, with two hunts for twice the fun.

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