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Blog - Impact Teams

“An Experience I’ll Never Forget”

When Kara volunteered at the Hoboken Christmas Exchange last year, she wasn’t sure what to expect. It was her first time participating in any of the events at Hoboken Grace. Having volunteered with other organizations throughout the years, Kara assumed she’d simply be handing out gifts to families in need, passing out cocoa and lining kids up for photos with […]

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No Experience Necessary

When Ceasar started attending Hoboken Grace, he thought the people behind the production booth were paid professionals. Six months later, he was so intrigued that he approached one of the Worship Team members and was invited to attend a production meeting. Now he's one of those people behind the booth. “Experience is not at all a prerequisite," he says. "Just a willingness to learn and serve."

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Welcome: We’ve Been Expecting You

One of the most uncomfortable moments in my life was showing up to a brunch that I thought I was invited to and yet no one was expecting me. They must’ve accidentally sent the invitation to my inbox. I showed up at an intimate table of six people — one of them I knew — and noticed there wasn’t room for seven. They must’ve thought I was simply coming over to say hello and then go meet my party or have brunch in another area of the restaurant.

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A Slice of Serving at the Shelter

For members of the Collection Tables Team, it took a cold winter day to put their support of The Hoboken Shelter in perspective. A truck delivering food to the shelter hadn't made it because of a storm. So when the team arrived to drop off donations, supplies already had been stretched thin. The relieved look on the chef's face and the tears creeping into everyone’s eyes brought the realization of how important their collection is. And it's just one of the ways you can support the shelter.

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Something Changed on Stage

Something happened to Stephanie when she stepped on stage Easter morning. After eight years at Hoboken Grace, she stood under the stage lights for the first time and looked out across a room packed with people responding to God’s love. “It’s different from up there,” she said. “You see Sunday morning differently. It’s powerful to be part of the congregation worshiping, but it’s also powerful to be up there and see a room of 500 people with their hands lifted, praising God together.”

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Fighting Hunger with Community

If you visit ShopRite to buy groceries, chances are you've seen Hoboken Grace there at some point accepting donations for In Jesus Name Charities. Through blistering summers and chilly winters, a team from Hoboken Grace helps keep In Jesus Name stocked by asking shoppers to donate items for local families in need. It's just one of the ways the church tries to support one of Hoboken's oldest charities.

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Amplify: Rock Your Purpose

Are you looking to serve, but unsure where you fit best? Or maybe you've been serving the community for years but feel a slight disconnect. Amplify's Empower class will help you discover, develop and apply your gifts to impact the world around you. “God made us to serve,” says Kara, who took the class in the spring. “God made us with specific gifts, and when you match up that gift with opportunities to serve your community, you’re happy, you’re enjoying yourself.”

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There’s a Place for Everyone

Kristen and Eric's roles have evolved since their first few Sunday mornings on the First Impressions Team. The hours, responsibilities and even location have changed. But now more than ever, their job is to help people find community ㅡ just as they did when they moved to Hoboken.

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Think Big This Fall

As Pastor Chris said on Sunday, becoming the people we want to be - and experiencing the shift between feeding ourselves and feeding others - means thinking big. It means asking big. It means pursuing things that are bigger than ourselves.

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Your Story

"Where have you seen God?" It’s a question Pastor Chris challenged us to think about this week. But for the Writing Team, it’s the question that drives everything we do. As we think about what stories to feature in the newsletter and on the blog, we ask ourselves week after week where we see God working in our church family and in our city.

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Lights, Camera, Popcorn

Under constellations and against the backdrop of New York City’s lights, picnic blankets and lawn chairs dot the grass at Pier A Park each Wednesday night. But there's something different about this year's Movies Under the Stars. The air is saturated with a hint of salt and butter. Moviegoers wait in line along the sidewalk. And a group stands in the corner, handing out free bags of popcorn.

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Striking the Right Tone

“What I enjoy most is running sound when we’re at the peak of our worship set, just looking around and seeing everybody fully into it, their hands in the air, and not thinking about what things look like, what things sound like,” says Jeff, who serves on the production branch of the Worship Team. The team uses sound, lights and media to create an intimate and inviting environment each Sunday morning.

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How a Room for Play Becomes a Place to Pray

Visit the David E. Rue Building any other day of the week and you'll find a regular gymnasium filled with students from around Hoboken. But come Sunday morning at 9 a.m., the building is transformed into the church we know as Hoboken Grace. It's all thanks to the persistent efforts of the setup and tear-down teams.

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“THURSDAY?!” Why We’re Moving Teams Night

There may be some of you who are anxiously awaiting the date of the next Teams Night, but I would guess that on the whole most of you are on the fence about whether to attend and evaluating your other Friday night options. Allow me to blow that all up for you with this announcement: The next Teams Night will be held on THURSDAY, June 9th at 8 p.m. at 301 Garden Street. Before you drop your coffee and toss your phone, here’s why we’re moving Teams Night to a Thursday.

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Taking the Next Step

The first time I attended Hoboken Grace, I was terrified. I dragged my friend along for moral support, but I was still anxious. Was I going to fit in? Would there be anyone there like me? Looking back, I laugh at how nervous I was, because from the moment I walked into 301 Garden I was made to feel right at home. […]

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