Blog - Sunday

The Fight: Now What?

How do we ensure that our stories are defined by God’s will instead of our appetites? What lies are we letting stew? How do we back away from our weaknesses and instead embrace His promises? Our five-week series about the life of Jacob might be over, but that doesn't mean the battle is. Here are five ways you can continue "The Fight."

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Coming This Sunday

Sometimes it can seem like life is one long fight. Sometimes it can seem that God is actually fighting against us. Join us this summer as we take a look at someone who spent their life believing that God was against them only to discover that God was the one fighting hardest for them. Life may be a fight, but we don’t fight alone.

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Snapchat Sundays

Whether it’s a special occasion, like a baptism, or just an ordinary weekend spent with friends and family, there’s always something to celebrate on Sunday mornings. It just got easier to share those moments. Each Sunday morning at 301 Garden, look for Hoboken Grace’s geofilters on Snapchat. Just snap a picture with friends or family, then swipe and send!

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Five Tips If You’re Struggling to Develop Rhythms

For the past few weeks, we’ve talked about incorporating rhythms into our lives in order to engage with God throughout the day. The series kicked off with the challenge of living in the awareness that “in Him, we live and move and breathe.” And during the past few Sundays, we’ve discussed different ways to weave rhythms throughout the day so […]

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How a Room for Play Becomes a Place to Pray

Visit the David E. Rue Building any other day of the week and you'll find a regular gymnasium filled with students from around Hoboken. But come Sunday morning at 9 a.m., the building is transformed into the church we know as Hoboken Grace. It's all thanks to the persistent efforts of the setup and tear-down teams.

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Faith as a First-Generation Christian

For many people, the church and family compartments of life are one and the same. We are often brought up in our parents' religion, and the spheres don't conflict. But for many others, church and family do not go hand in hand. Sometimes it is something we have to find and pursue on our own. And when the newly discovered church compartment collides with the old family compartment, you never know what’s going to happen.

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When you live life at a breakneck pace, one of the first things to be pushed aside is our conversation with God. Without even noticing it we give up the source of love, joy and peace, leaving us to run harder and faster. What would it look like to develop healthy rhythms in our relationship with God? What if prayer […]

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Killing Idols

Week after week, I sit with people who know what their idols are, but seem incapable of eliminating them. I know I worship relationships, but I don’t know how to get rid of that. I know I care too much about how I’m perceived, but how do I stop myself from being crushed when I look like a fool? I […]

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Taking the Next Step

The first time I attended Hoboken Grace, I was terrified. I dragged my friend along for moral support, but I was still anxious. Was I going to fit in? Would there be anyone there like me? Looking back, I laugh at how nervous I was, because from the moment I walked into 301 Garden I was made to feel right at home. […]

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Downtown Community Turns 1!

Hoboken Grace moved into Jersey City three years ago, launching a separate location in Hamilton Park. From Day One, its goal was to love the community in a way that mirrors God’s love for His people. The church began pouring into the community through initiatives such as Simple Service and 1Day Jersey City. And as it opened its doors each […]

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Reckless Love

All too often our love is a love that is reckless with the hearts of those around us. The pain of that can be powerful, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Join us this Sunday as we begin to look at the shocking way in which God has loved us, and the seemingly reckless truth about how we can […]

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Five Reasons to Get Egg-Cited for Easter

We are just a few weeks away from our biggest celebration of the year! With all that God is doing in our city, we have so much to celebrate this Easter. And there are so many things to look forward to. Here are five things to get egg-cited about:   1). Two hunts are better than one For the first […]

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First Impressions, Lasting Connections

Hoboken Grace's First Impressions Team is dedicated to welcoming and loving everyone, both inside and outside 301 Garden St. “Personally, I want the people who come through the door to feel welcome, to feel that we've been waiting for them to join us, and to feel that they belong at Hoboken Grace," says Melissa.

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Guardrails: You Want Me To Do WHAT?

I woke up hung-over. My memory of the night before was blurry. The worst part was that this was nothing new for me. It was a regular part of my life. Feeling guilty and nauseous was almost routine. As I stumbled through my apartment, I came across a Hoboken Grace card and granola bar that someone had handed me at […]

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Hunting for Eggs and Finding a Place to Call Home

Once a year each spring, dozens of bales of hay are hauled into Hoboken and strewn across a playing field. Underneath lie thousands of pastel Easter eggs, ready to be scooped up and cracked open by ecstatic kids. The event — which also includes pictures with the Easter bunny, carnival games, bounce houses and face painting — has grown so big […]

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