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A Day in the Life: Millie’s Story

One of the great ways our church has been able to stay connected and involved with the community during quarantine and social distancing is by posting “A Day in the Life” videos. If you aren’t familiar with this online series, it’s where Pastor Chris interviews somebody in the church family about their current situation during the ongoing pandemic. We thought […]

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Face Time (In Real Life)

Since March, social distancing has forced us to live life over Zoom, FaceTime, email and snail mail (for those of us who are REALLY bored). It hasn’t stopped us from participating in connection events, but the events had to be online. Online connection events are fun and enjoyable, but nothing beats seeing each other face-to-face. On June 28th our community […]

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Putting Things Into Place

The last three months have been one of the longest periods of continuous transitioning I’ve ever experienced in my life. When the pandemic hit, I was forced to work from home, then I experienced the unexpected loss of my father to COVID-19, found myself in a new relationship, and inherited a big, slobbery Saint Bernard named Mia. Everything about my […]

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Take a Day

Have you ever had the feeling that you could be experiencing more of God? It’s this nudge inside of you that suggests there’s more. Sometimes it comes while you are listening to Pastor Chris speak or watching people get baptized or listening to a worship song or sharing with a dinner group friend. Perhaps there is no nudge. There is only unrest. A weekend away [...]

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The Open Door

After moving to the area, Justin and Fernanda felt disconnected from their new community. What helped change that, they say, was helping others adjust to their own new surroundings. They began volunteering with The Open Door, a nonprofit organization focused on strengthening communities and immigrant families.

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At a Crossroads with Drugs and/or Alcohol?

Can you relate to any of the following? You decided to try living clean/sober again and really want to make it stick this time. You're concerned though as past strategies haven’t worked so you are willing to try something new.  You are recently clean/sober and are interested in expanding the [...]

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Beyond Understanding

This past Sunday was the last message in a series called “Lost and Found.” The whole series was specifically impactful for me, but this past Sunday I was reminded of something that God showed me 3 years ago. It was something that I have had a hard time explaining to others and believing it to be true myself. Three years ago, my mom went to the doctor for a sore [...]

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A Day in the Life Alex and Lauren

March 11th marked the day in Hoboken when our lives began to change due to covid19. Life just hasn’t been the same since. For some, the change has been devastating, others are finding ways to cope but it’s not easy. Social distancing, financial hardship, and health concerns have all impacted our community and nation in various ways. How have people […]

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A Day In the Life of Christen

March 11th marked the day in Hoboken when our lives began to change due to covid19. Life just hasn’t been the same since. For some, the change has been devastating, others are finding ways to cope but it’s not easy. Social distancing, financial hardship, and health concerns have all impacted our community and nation in various ways. How have people […]

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Time with God

The last five weeks have been challenging as my wife and I balance working from home with a toddler and a baby. On one hand, I am incredibly thankful that we both have the opportunity to work remotely. We have an apartment with space to balance naps, play time and work time. It has also afforded us the opportunity to […]

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Home Response Plan

Hoboken Grace Launches Plan to Show Love to the Community Home Response Plan created to assist Local Community At Hoboken Grace, we have recently launched the Home Response Plan offering a variety of assistance programs to the community. We are allotting $440k to be utilized for the implementation of this plan and have partnered with volunteers, [...]

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A Gift Not Taken for Granted

Mother’s Day is a beautiful day to remember to honor our mothers (Ephesians 6:1-2), remember how priceless they are (Proverbs 31:10), and to reflect on the life thatthey have provided (Psalm 113:9). Being a Mother is a unique and beautiful journey and as Hoboken Grace attendee Veronica stated perfectly, “it’s a blessing that cannot be taken for granted.” Veronica is […]

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Lost & Found

Lost and Found: everybody probably knows the concept from their early school days. Someone would lose something, they’d have a rush of panic, and then they would head over to the designated “Lost and Found” area that was set up by one of your teachers where lost items can be claimed by those who found them in the hallway or playground during recess.

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