Blog - Baptism


Jesus walked out of that tomb for YOU. Sometimes we get lost in everything that surrounds us and the holiday, and forget that Jesus defeating death is an extremely personal thing. He knew you’d be here, reading this, and He wants you to know He’s on a crazy rescue mission to save you from spiritual death. The myth that many of us believed [...]

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A Commitment Worth Declaring

For most of my life, I’ve been afraid of commitment — afraid of falling short and disappointing other people. After walking into Hoboken Grace for the first time in 2012, that included my relationship with God. Not committing to a relationship with Him seemed like a better option than letting Him down. What drew me to Hoboken Grace [...]

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10 Reasons to Celebrate

Hoboken Grace started with a dream to impact this city and the thousands of people who call Hoboken home. That dream began coming to life 10 years ago, when a tiny church plant held its first service in a dingy bingo hall. Ever since, Hoboken Grace’s mission has been to help people find their way back to God. Over the past decade, that mission has [...]

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The Story He Told

This year, we partnered with God in loving our city better, building relationships, and serving locally and around the world. As we look back on 2017, it’s overwhelming to see all that He has done. As a church community, we were able to reach more people than ever before, grow more settled in our city and [...]

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A Moment Months in the Making

After serving on the Family Life Team for nearly two years, Angie has been on stage for countless baptisms at Hoboken Grace. But while each one was special in its own way, this one was different. Now a dinner group leader, Angie had been a part of the many conversations, prayers and text messages leading up to this moment. [...]

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Finding Identity

Baptism was a symbol of committing to an identity in Christ — opening myself up to the freedom that comes from following God and not allowing myself to be a slave to the ups and downs that come from finding identity in other places, which for me was my career. What advice would you give to someone thinking about taking this step?

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Meant to Be

I always get emotional at baptisms, but just thinking about my mom doing it got me completely choked up inside. Pastor Chris asked me throughout the week if I wanted to baptize my mom. I told him I didn't think I was going to be able to speak. And when it was her turn to come on stage, I started to weep as soon as we began to make our way up the stairs. I was so thankful, overjoyed and proud.

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A New Life in New York

A year and a half ago, Jessica’s life took an unexpected turn. It was a change in direction that would eventually lead to her standing on stage and getting baptized on Easter morning. But Jessica didn’t know that back then. All she knew at the time was that she had 60 days to find a new job. “I was given […]

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Taking the Next Step

The first time I attended Hoboken Grace, I was terrified. I dragged my friend along for moral support, but I was still anxious. Was I going to fit in? Would there be anyone there like me? Looking back, I laugh at how nervous I was, because from the moment I walked into 301 Garden I was made to feel right at home. […]

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A Commitment Worth Celebrating

Once a month at Hoboken Grace, we celebrate baptism with members of our church family. It’s a physical symbol that represents a spiritual change — a new life found in Christ. This month is no different. We will be celebrating baptisms next on Easter Sunday. (You can find out more by attending one of the baptism classes held after each service this week.) For Margarita, who took the […]

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A Declaration of Imperfection

Ashley Vinson was baptized last month at Hoboken Grace, and in celebration, we wanted to highlight her story. I recently had the chance to ask Ashley a few questions about her baptism and was inspired to share our conversation.

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Changing Focus: Rick’s Story

“I never really thought, ‘I need to get baptized,’ ” says Rick. As a child, God had always been a part of Rick’s life; he was baptized and grew up attending church and Sunday school. While he says he has wandered away several times over the years — during college and when he moved to Hoboken — friends always stepped in and helped redirect […]

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Baptized: A Mother and Son’s Journey

Barbara is a single mother of two, and Jordan, her youngest, has decided to follow in his mom's footsteps. “Jordan and I are very close and are extremely similar," explains Barbara. "He is in the high honors class and gifted and talented program in school. He wants to be a lawyer when he gets older."

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Baptism: Another Step Forward

Months before Marcie stood on stage to take the step of baptism and declare that she would follow Jesus anywhere, she sensed a small but growing voice leading her there. At first it was a occasional whisper, she explained. And then it was an overwhelming desire in her heart. It started when she joined a dinner group at the beginning […]

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