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Media Resources

Child Dedication

How does it look like to raise your children intentionally? Pastor Chris talks about the commitments we make when we dedicate our children to Jesus from the very beginning.

Series: What Am I Here For?

At the heart of every person there’s a question. No one escapes it. No one can avoid it. It’s the question of purpose. What am I here for? What’s the point? It’s a question that every person for all of time has asked. It’s a question that God has, in his grace and love, gone to incredible lengths for us […]

State Of The Union

You are here on a purpose for a purpose so you can impact the lives of those around you. The people around you are searching but they are searching alone. Who is it in your life that you have been saying no for?

Impacting A City

We all have someone who stepped out of their comfort zone and shared their story with us in a way that has impacted us. Why is it so difficult for us to do the same?

Series: Remix

It was sent with the greatest of messages. It was commissioned to make the world dance. However, like any movement, it was taken in directions never intended. And like any movement, it must constantly be brought back to its roots. It must be re-mixed, not to create something new, but to return to something ancient, something powerful, something that makes […]

You Only Live Once

It’s starting…and it’ll be gone in a flash. Summer is here! Join us as we look forward to the next two months and ask an important question we need to answer if we’re going to make the most of what lies ahead!

Series: Divided States of America

Why is it that suddenly we seem to find ourselves in a culture where conversation is no longer possible? Why are the divides growing so rapidly? What’s changed, and how does faith impact the way we experience and engage the politics of this changing landscape?

No Church?

How we perceive “church” impacts every aspect of our lives. But what does church mean? What did God intend church to be?

What’s Holding You Back?

You may have seen a baptism at Hoboken Grace, but why is it that we dunk people in a tub of water? What is the significance of baptism and is there a reason have you created that will keep you from getting dunked? This week, Pastor Anthony takes a deep dive into all your questions on baptism.

Series: Weightless

Most of us understand that it’s not best to swim dressed for hiking or to run decked out for skiing. Yet, we attempt to live our lives carrying the unbearable weight of our past hurts and the unshakeable chains of bitterness. It’s time to let go. It’s time to get lean, to shed the weight and start running instead of […]

Series: Easter at Hoboken Grace 2019

It’s the weekend in history that changed everything forever, and this Easter we take a closer look at why they believed then and why we can believe today.

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